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How will the revamped 100 Thieves team compare to their competition in 2023?

100 Thieves Reveals its League of Legends Roster for the 2023 Season

In a recent announcement, 100 Thieves introduced its League of Legends roster for the upcoming 2023 season. This includes the return of legendary AD carry Doublelift, who will reunite with Bjergsen after their time together on TSM. The team will also feature rookies Milan “Tenacity” Oleksij and Alan “Busio” Cwalina, as well as jungler Can “Closer” Çelik, the only returning member from the 2022 lineup.

A Closer Look at Young Rookies Busio and Tenacity

Last year, Busio and Tenacity played as 100T’s Academy support and top laner respectively, and finished fourth in the LCS Proving Grounds Summer. Tenacity has proven to be one of the best top laners in the second division and has earned a starting spot in the LCS. His individual stats in the NA Academy Summer 2022 were impressive, with the highest average CS per minute, the second-highest average gold per minute, and the third-highest experience differential at 15 minutes. He also had the fourth-highest number of solo kills among all Academy top laners.

Busio, on the other hand, has risen as a strong support talent in North America. He reached Challenger at the age of 15 and won the Most Valuable Prospect award in NA Academy Summer. Known for his flexible champion pool, Busio has received praise from former Evil Geniuses and current Team Heretics coach Peter Dun.

The Impact of Doublelift and Bjergsen

The decision to sign Doublelift and Bjergsen is a risky one for 100 Thieves. While both players have years of experience, there are question marks surrounding their performance in the upcoming season. Bjergsen performed well on Liquid but wasn’t the top player in his role. Doublelift has been consistently playing League, but there are new rising talents in the ADC position.

However, 100 Thieves has covered its bases by having top-tier European talent Unf0rgiven on the academy team. Even if Doublelift doesn’t deliver, Unf0rgiven can step in and bring results. The overall roster of 100 Thieves is strong, with players who are top-tier in their respective roles.

The Road to Success

For 100 Thieves to succeed, they need to find a suitable playstyle and the right balance between rookies and veterans. Doublelift will likely be the carry player, with Tenacity initially playing on low resources. Closer will cover a supportive role, and Busio’s versatility will be key. It is still unclear whether 100 Thieves is ready to fight for the LCS title, but they have a solid roster and the potential for success.

100 Thieves, League of Legends, roster, Bjergsen, Doublelift, rookies, Tenacity, Busio, Closer, LCS, performance, talent, playstyle, success.