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How to Successfully Lane Against Jayce – Your Ultimate Guide

Jayce: A Formidable Opponent in the Top Lane

When it comes to the Top Lane in League of Legends, one Champion stands out as both a melee Bruiser/Assassin and an AD Marksman: Jayce. His diverse kit and playstyle make him a difficult Champion to Lane against. In this guide, we’ll discuss Jayce’s abilities, strategies to Lane against him, and advice from experienced Top Laners.

Table of Contents

Jayce’s Abilities: The Best of Both Worlds

Jayce possesses seven spells in his kit, allowing him to switch between a melee and a ranged stance. His melee stance focuses on Bruiser/Assassin all-ins and attacks, while his ranged stance offers safety and high damage from a distance.

Passive – Hextech Capacitor: Jayce gains bonus movement speed and ghosting when he switches between his Hammer and Cannon.

Melee Q – To The Skies: Jayce jumps at his target with his Hammer, dealing damage and applying a slow.

Melee W – Lightning Field: Jayce activates a lightning field around him that damages nearby opponents.

Melee E – Thundering Blow: Jayce hits an enemy target with his Hammer, knocking them back and dealing damage.

Ranged Q – Shock blast: Jayce fires a lightning ball that explodes on impact or at max range, dealing massive damage. The ball gains speed and extra damage when going through his E’s Acceleration Gate.

Ranged W – Hyper Charge: Jayce gains bonus attack speed on his next attacks, but they deal reduced damage. It can also critically strike and work as an auto-attack reset.

Ranged E – Acceleration Gate: Jayce opens a lightning gate that speeds up all units that pass through it, including his Q’s exploding ball.

Ultimate – Transform Mercury Cannon/Hammer: Jayce transforms his Hammer into a Cannon, gaining range and empowering his next attack. He can also transform back into a Hammer, gaining bonus armor and magic resistance.

Laning Against Jayce: The Early Game

Jayce’s unlocked Ultimate at level 1 gives him a significant advantage in the early game. As a melee Champion, it’s essential to play safe, dodge his Ranged Q, and use minions as a shield. Dodge his important abilities and trade when his abilities are on cooldown.

After Level 6

If Jayce doesn’t dominate in the early game, he can struggle throughout the match. Bait out his important abilities and coordinate with your Jungler to set up ganks. Jayce’s limited escapes make him vulnerable to well-coordinated ganks.

Late Game

Jayce’s performance in the late game depends on his early game success. Denying him an early advantage can result in a weak late-game Jayce. However, be cautious of a fed Jayce, as he can still deal significant damage. Coordinate with your team and use your lead to maintain pressure on Jayce.

Countering Jayce’s Abilities

The best strategies to bait out or counter Jayce’s abilities are:

  • Use minions for protection and hide behind them to avoid his Ranged Q.
  • Take advantage of bushes to hide from Jayce and farm safely.
  • Bait out his abilities and use the cooldowns to launch an all-in attack.
  • Exploit Jayce’s tendency to spam Ranged Q and E by dodging these abilities.
  • Gain experience by playing against Jayce and learning what works against him.

Top Lane Counters for Jayce

Several Champions can counter Jayce in the Top Lane:



Malphite’s high Armor and Resistance make him a strong pick against Jayce. Malphite’s passive shield helps mitigate Jayce’s early damage, and his abilities can reduce Jayce’s attack speed, slow him, and deal massive damage.



Ornn excels at stacking Armor and Resistance, making him a solid pick against Jayce. Ornn’s abilities scale with HP and resistances, and he can easily overpower Jayce in trades and all-ins.



Quinn’s range, speed, and burst potential make her a formidable opponent for Jayce. Her ability to deny farm and zone Champions makes it challenging for Jayce to gain an advantage in the Lane.

What About Jayce Mid?

Jayce’s performance in the Mid Lane is also worth considering. Traditional Mid Lane Mages tend to counter Jayce due to their strong poke and burst potential. Champions like Akshan, Fizz, and Lux can effectively shut down Jayce in the Mid Lane.

Best Items Against Jayce

When facing Jayce, prioritize items that provide HP, Armor, and overall survivability. Some recommended items include Plated Steelcaps, Dead Man’s Plate, Guardian’s Angel, and Seeker’s Armguard.


Jayce may be a strong Champion, but he has been underperforming in the current Season. By using the strategies and counters outlined in this guide, you can effectively Lane against Jayce and increase your chances of success on the Summoner’s Rift.