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How to Successfully Carry as an ADC in League of Legends

Fundamentals of Carrying as an ADC in League of Legends

The role of an AD Carry is crucial in League of Legends, as it often determines the outcome of a match. In team fights and laning phase, the enemy team will prioritize killing the ADC. Thus, it’s essential to prevent the enemy ADC from farming or getting fed.

If you want to climb the ranks or improve your performance as an ADC regardless of your current level, mastering carrying skills is a must.

Tips for Carrying as an ADC

Farm Well

One of the fundamental skills for an ADC is farming CS, except for Support. To outshine your competition, focus on maintaining a higher creep score. Aim to last hit around 80 to 100 minions within the first 10 minutes. Familiarize yourself with your champion’s movements, animations, and ability dynamics. Reserve your ability damage for cannon minions, and practice keeping an eye on low HP minions to secure last hits.

Don’t Die Early

While it may seem obvious, dying early can significantly impact your game. Each death grants your opponent the opportunity to farm CS and buy upgraded items, causing you to fall behind. Even if you’re behind in CS, avoiding early deaths is crucial. Play defensively, wait for ganks from your teammates, and prioritize staying alive.

Understand Your Support

Having a good synergy with your Support starts during Champion Select and carries into the game. Choose champions with abilities that complement each other. Coordinate attacks, communicate potential dangers, and be supportive of each other in the bot lane.

Complement Your Abilities With Your Support

Identify champions whose abilities complement your own. Certain combinations can create strong synergies that can be used to harass enemies in the early game. For example, the combo of Veigar’s Event Horizon and Miss Fortune’s Make It Rain can trap enemies and maximize damage. Similarly, Lucian and Blitzcrank have abilities that synergize well for burst damage and killing potential. Consider enemy bot-lane combinations when picking your champions to counter their attacks effectively.

Know When To Engage

As an AD Carry, it’s crucial to engage at the right moments. While you deal significant damage, you’re also vulnerable. Only engage when you’re confident you can secure a kill or escape safely afterward. Pay attention to your Support’s engagement cues, position yourself well in team fights, and avoid engaging with tanks or high-threat enemy champions.

Carrying The Game

To carry the game as an ADC, focus on three key factors: farm effectively, avoid early deaths, and engage wisely with the support of your teammates. By maintaining high CS, staying alive, and making smart decisions in engagements, you can dominate the laning phase and contribute to your team’s victory.