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How to Resolve Screen Tearing in League of Legends

Screen tearing can be a problem in gaming. In this article, we will discuss what screen tearing is in League of Legends and how to fix it.

What is Screen Tearing in League of Legends?

Screen tearing can occur when the frame rate (FPS) of your graphics card is higher than the refresh rate (HZs) of your monitor. This usually happens when your GPU is producing more frames per second than your monitor can handle. The result is that you see multiple frames on the monitor at the same time, which can ruin your gaming experience.

How to Fix Screen Tearing?

There are several solutions to fix screen tearing. One option is to enable VSync, which synchronizes the frame rate of your GPU with the refresh rate of your monitor. This can help prevent screen tearing, but it may limit the performance of your GPU in competitive games.

Another solution is to get a monitor with a high refresh rate. Monitors with refresh rates of 144 Hz or higher are available and can provide a smoother gaming experience.

There are also technologies like AMD Enhanced Sync and Nvidia Fast Sync, which can help prevent screen tearing and lag issues while gaming. These technologies work by giving your monitor the most complete frames per second from your GPU.

Nvidia also offers Adaptive VSync, which turns off VSync when the FPS drops below the refresh rate. This can be useful for situations where your monitor has a high refresh rate but your GPU cannot produce a high FPS.

For the best results, you can invest in monitors that support technologies like AMD FreeSync and Nvidia G-Sync. These technologies dynamically adjust the monitor’s refresh rate to match the FPS produced by the GPU, providing a smooth gaming experience with minimal screen tearing.

Other Possible Solutions to the Screen Tearing Problem

If none of the above solutions work, you can consider getting a new monitor with a higher refresh rate or updating your GPU drivers. You can also try adjusting your in-game settings or lowering the graphic settings to see if it helps with the screen tearing issue.


Screen tearing is a common problem in gaming, including in League of Legends. By understanding the causes of screen tearing and exploring the available solutions, you can take steps to prevent or fix this issue. Upgrading your gaming setup with a higher refresh rate monitor or using technologies like FreeSync and G-Sync can provide a smoother gaming experience.