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How to Pursue a Career as a Professional Player in League of Legends?

Becoming a professional League of Legends player may seem like a daunting task, but it’s not impossible. In this article, we’ll provide you with some tips and tricks on how to achieve your goal.

What do I need to have to become a professional League of Legends player?

To start your journey towards becoming a professional player, you need to meet two requirements set by Riot Games. Firstly, you must be at least 17 years old. Secondly, you should have achieved at least Diamond 3 rank. If you meet these criteria, you’re on the right track.

In addition to these requirements, esports teams also look for players who possess the following qualities:

Good communication skills: As a team player, it’s important to communicate effectively with your teammates. This includes discussing strategies, cooperating, and using pings appropriately.

Master of champions: A professional player should have expertise in playing multiple champions. It’s essential to not only know your own champion, but also how to play against others to properly counter them.

Remaining composed: Keeping a cool head, regardless of the circumstances, is crucial. Private matters should not interfere with your gameplay or affect your performance. Being easily annoyed or provoked is not a desirable trait in a professional player.

Extensive game knowledge: In order to become a professional, you need to know everything about the game. This includes understanding the rules, champions, events, modes, and updates. Take the time to research and stay informed about everything related to League of Legends.

Practice: Talent alone is not enough. Dedicate hours to practice and refine your skills. Just like any other endeavor in life, becoming a professional player requires hard work and dedication.

A few tips on how to become a professional League of Legends player

How to Pursue a Career as a Professional Player in League of Legends?
  1. Invest in quality gaming equipment: Before you start practicing, ensure that your keyboard, mouse, and headset are in good condition. Investing in an ergonomic mouse and mechanical keyboard will enhance your gameplay experience. A responsive sensor in your mouse is crucial for a fast-paced game like League of Legends.
  2. Watch streams of professional gamers: Take the time to watch streams of professional players. You can learn strategies and gather tips from their gameplay. Seeing these strategies in action will save you time and help you improve your own gameplay.
  3. Consider hiring a coach: If you are serious about becoming a professional player, hiring a coach can be beneficial. A coach, who is a skilled player with experience, can provide in-depth analysis and offer constructive feedback to enhance your gameplay.
  4. Participate in local tournaments: Local tournaments are a great opportunity to showcase your skills and gain competitive experience. They offer a chance to improve your communication and teamwork skills. Moreover, you might even win a cash prize or be noticed by potential recruiters.
  5. Consider Elo boosting: Elo boosting involves paying a highly ranked player to play ranked matches on your behalf. While this can boost your account status, it’s important to carefully consider this option. It may be more rewarding and satisfying to achieve a high rank through your own efforts.
  6. Contact esports team managers: When you achieve a high rank, reach out to esports team managers. Send a well-written, polite email highlighting your positive qualities and successes. Remember to make a good impression, as team managers receive numerous emails daily. Be patient and persistent in your pursuit of opportunities.


Becoming a professional League of Legends player requires dedication and hard work. Start by investing in quality gaming equipment and gaining extensive knowledge about the game. Practice regularly and consider hiring a coach to improve your skills. Participating in local tournaments and reaching out to team managers can open doors to opportunities. Remember to stay composed and communicate effectively with your team. Good luck on your journey to becoming a professional League of Legends player!