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How to Master Teamfighting With Volibear in League of Legends?

Team fighting is an essential part of League of Legends. It has a significant impact on the flow of the game and requires quick decision-making. Each champion has a unique way to respond to team fight situations, including versatile champions like Volibear.

Volibear stands out from other tank champions because he has both damage and tankiness. However, understanding the challenges faced by Volibear in team fights is crucial. Knowing how the enemy champions will respond can help you make better decisions.

Volibear can be played as a tank or a carry-oriented bruiser. The decision depends on factors such as team compositions and winning chances. Each play style has its own advantages and considerations.

Volibear Tank Play Style

Tanks in League of Legends can play team fights in different ways. Volibear can either be an engage-oriented tank or follow a front-to-back play style to protect the team. It’s important to be flexible in your play style and adapt to the game situation.

Volibear Engage Tanks Play Style

Engage tanks are responsible for starting fights and finding advantageous opportunities for their team. Before engaging, it’s essential to ensure your team is ready to follow up. Volibear’s hard crowd control abilities make him a good engage tank option.

Volibear Front to Back Tanks Play Style

In front-to-back play style, tanks focus on defending their back line and dealing with enemy frontline or diving champions. Volibear’s crowd control abilities can be used to disrupt and slow down multiple enemies. This play style is situational and should be adopted when necessary.

Volibear Bruiser Play Style

Bruisers are melee fighters who are tanky and deal substantial damage. Volibear falls into this category but lacks the high damage output compared to typical bruiser champions. In a bruiser play style, Volibear can be a secondary engage or counter-engage champion, prioritizing flanking the enemy team.

Understanding your champion’s abilities is crucial for effective team fighting. Volibear’s abilities, such as “Thundering Storm” and “Frenzied Maul,” have specific uses and can be used in combination with each other. The ultimate ability, “Stormbringer,” offers flexibility and can be used to engage, gap close, or peel.

In conclusion, Volibear has versatile team fight capabilities and understanding the different play styles and optimal ability usage is essential for success. Moreover, Volibear’s strong early game makes him a formidable force in team fights.