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How to Achieve Maximum Attack Speed in League of Legends?

Getting maximum attack speed in League of Legends is crucial for champions that rely on attack damage, especially for ADCs. The more attack speed you have, the higher your DPS. This guide will show you how to achieve maximum attack speed in League of Legends.

To achieve maximum attack speed in League of Legends, you need to build items that offer attack speed, use abilities that increase attack speed, and select runes that provide attack speed.

Build Attack Speed Items

Building the right items is essential for increasing attack speed. Ensure you farm properly and secure objectives to gain gold for buying attack speed items. Here are some common attack speed items:

  • Kraken Slayer/Galeforce/Immortal Sheildbow
  • Phantom Dancer
  • Berserker Grieves
  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade
  • Runaan’s Hurricane
  • Wit’s End

Choose the Correct Runes

After the runes reforged update, there are various runes that can boost attack speed. Here’s a recommended rune page for achieving maximum attack speed:

Precision Tree (Primary):
– Main Rune: Lethal Tempo (gains up to 60%-90% attack speed, can exceed the 2.5 attack speed limit)
– Secondary Rune: Legend: Alacrity (gain attack speed over time)
– Bonus Rune: Bloodline (gain lifesteal)

Further boost attack speed by selecting the attack speed rune in the stats category. These runes will provide significant advantages for your champion.

Use Your Abilities

Some champions have abilities that increase attack speed. For example, Twitch gains attack speed when leaving stealth and while his R is active. Other champions like Nami and Lulu can grant allies attack speed. Choose a champion with such an ability to reach maximum attack speed.

Be cautious of abilities like Exhaust, which reduces attack speed, movement speed, and damage. Consider the matchup and be aware of any abilities that might hinder your attack speed.

Certain champions excel in achieving high attack speed due to their builds and abilities. Twitch, Bel’Veth, Sivir, Ashe, Kog’Maw, and Vayne are notable examples. However, champions like Jhin do not benefit from attack speed and instead focus on high damage and critical strikes.

By following these tips, you can maximize your attack speed in League of Legends and dominate on the Rift!