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How to Achieve Challenger Rank in League of Legends

Challenger rank in League of Legends is the highest rank and a major gaming achievement. While it may seem impossible, there is a step-by-step roadmap to help you reach Challenger in season 13. In this article, I will teach you the fundamentals of the game and share some mindset tips that can help you on your journey to Challenger. Additionally, I’ll explain why the jungle may be the easiest path to reaching Challenger in LoL season 13. Let’s dive in!

Table of Content
– Drafting a Good Team Composition & Analyzing Win Conditions
– Understanding Win Condition
– Understanding Vision and Map Awareness
– Objectives
– Teamfighting
– Fundamentals for Laners
– Priority
– Wave Management
– Trading
– Fundamentals for Junglers
– Optimal Clearing
– Scouting the Map
– Learn Lane Fundamentals
– Tracking the Enemy Jungler
– Conclusion

Drafting a Good Team Composition & Analyzing Win Conditions

Drafting a good team composition and analyzing win conditions are crucial aspects of the game. By improving in these areas, you can significantly increase your win rate and become a better player. Drafting a good composition is about selecting champions that complement each other and fulfill the team’s needs. Understanding win conditions means identifying the objectives that must be met to win the game. For example, if your team has a Vayne against a tank-heavy enemy team, getting Vayne fed would be a key win condition. Focus on drafting a good team composition and analyzing win conditions to improve your chances of reaching Challenger.

Understanding Vision and Map Awareness

Having good vision and map awareness is essential for success in League of Legends. Vision refers to the placement of wards to increase your field of vision and gather information about the enemy team’s movements. It is important to place wards strategically in bushes and in the enemy jungle to track the enemy jungler and gain an advantage. Map awareness involves paying attention to the map and understanding where the enemy team is likely to be. This can help you avoid ganks, make informed decisions, and plan plays around objectives. Develop good practices around vision and map awareness to improve your gameplay and increase your chances of reaching Challenger.


Understanding and prioritizing objectives is crucial for achieving success in League of Legends. Objectives include dragons, heralds, barons, towers, inhibitors, and the nexus. Each objective provides specific benefits that can help your team secure victory. For example, killing a dragon grants gold and a permanent buff for your team. It is important to know the value of each objective and make informed decisions about which ones to prioritize. Avoid overvaluing certain objectives and consider the overall impact they will have on the game. Understanding objectives and their value will give you a competitive edge and improve your chances of reaching Challenger.


Teamfighting is a core aspect of gameplay in League of Legends. Each champion has a different role in teamfights, and understanding your champion’s role is essential for success. Tanks should soak up damage and disable enemy carries, ADCs should focus on high-priority targets, assassins should burst down enemy carries, fighters should prioritize the highest-threat targets, and mages should play from behind and utilize cooldown rotations. By understanding your champion’s role and executing teamfights effectively, you can contribute to your team’s success and increase your chances of reaching Challenger.

Fundamentals for Laners

Whether you play as a laner or a jungler, understanding laning fundamentals is crucial. Laning fundamentals include concepts such as priority, wave management, and trading. Priority determines your ability to engage in skirmishes and is based on factors such as champion stats, level, items, and lane position. Mastering wave management allows you to manipulate minion waves to your advantage, such as fast pushing, slow pushing, and freezing. Trading involves exchanging damage with your opponent and is influenced by factors such as champion power spikes and resource expenditure. By mastering these fundamentals, you can gain an edge in the laning phase and increase your chances of reaching Challenger.

Fundamentals for Junglers

Jungling is a unique role in League of Legends and requires a different set of skills. Optimal clearing refers to efficiently clearing jungle camps to save time and maintain high map presence. You can learn optimal clearing techniques from YouTube guides and practice in the tool tool. Scouting the map helps you gather information about the enemy team’s movements and make strategic decisions. Tracking the enemy jungler involves predicting their starting location, monitoring their CS score, and placing wards in their jungle. Developing these fundamental skills as a jungler will greatly enhance your gameplay and increase your chances of reaching Challenger.


Reaching Challenger in League of Legends is a challenging goal that requires dedication and practice. By understanding the game’s fundamentals, such as drafting a good team composition, analyzing win conditions, and mastering vision and map awareness, you can increase your chances of success. Laners should focus on priorities, wave management, and trading, while junglers should prioritize optimal clearing, scouting the map, and tracking the enemy jungler. With a strong foundation in these areas, you can progress towards becoming a Challenger-level player in LoL season 13. Good luck on your journey!