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How to Achieve an S Rank as a Top Laner in League of Legends

If you want to get an S as a top laner in League of Legends, there are a few key things you need to focus on. Having a good KDA, a high amount of farm, and a good vision score will greatly increase your chances of earning an S rank. Here’s a guide on how to achieve this:

Have a Good Vision Score

Having good vision is important in every role, including the top lane. It will help you avoid ganks, know where the enemy is roaming, and potentially get picks on the enemy team. Make sure to place wards strategically and consider buying control wards to deny the enemy’s vision.

Get a Good KDA

As a top laner, having a good KDA is crucial for earning an S rank. Try to get kills during the laning phase to gain gold and avoid dying in teamfights. Additionally, participating in teamfights and dealing damage to the enemy will increase your chances of getting an S.

Make Sure to Farm

Farming is often overlooked but it’s an essential part of the game. Focus on getting as many last hits as possible to increase your gold income. This is especially important if you’re a split pusher. Constantly pushing the lane and maintaining a significant CS lead will put pressure on the enemy team and allow your team to take objectives.

Participate in Team Fights

While split pushing can be tempting, it’s important to participate in team fights as a top laner. Focus on dealing damage and tanking for your team. Having a good damage dealt/damage taken ratio will increase your chances of getting an S rank.

Focus on Getting Objectives

Objectives like Baron, Dragon, Turrets, and Inhibitors are crucial in League of Legends. Pay attention to which objective will benefit your team the most and focus on securing it. Put pressure on the enemy team by splitting or using teleport to help your team in teamfights.

Don’t Be Afraid to Take Risks

Taking risks can sometimes pay off and give your team a significant advantage. Assess the situation and make decisions based on the game. If you see an opportunity, seize it. However, remember that not all risks will pay off, so use your judgment.

By following these tips, you’ll increase your chances of earning an S rank as a top laner in League of Legends. Keep playing, practice, and you’ll improve over time. Good luck!