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How Fnatic’s success at Worlds inspired EU LCS teams to win

Fnatic and European Teams Dominating at Worlds

Fnatic, G2, and Vitality are making waves at the 2018 League of Legends World Championships, proving that European teams can hold their own against strong competition. With a record of 7-6 so far, European teams are exceeding expectations and leaving their mark on the tournament.

This success can be attributed, in large part, to Fnatic’s rise to the top. By pushing the boundaries and innovating their strategies, Fnatic has raised the overall level of play in the region. Other teams have been forced to improve in order to keep up.

Rediscovering the Magic

After the dramatic remakes of Fnatic and Origen following the season five World Championships, G2 emerged as the dominant force in Europe. Playing like a strong Korean team, G2 won matchups through skilled play, strong macro, and superior teamfighting. Fnatic, on the other hand, focused on creating their own unique meta that would work for their roster. But for years, their strategies fell short compared to G2’s more predictable style.

Sensing the need for change, Fnatic made a crucial decision. Rather than completely overhauling their strategy to mimic G2, they blazed their own trail. This year, they found their secret weapon in mid laner Caps. Giving Caps the freedom to play unconventional champions like Wukong and Vayne has paid off immensely.


Caps’ willingness to explore uncharted territory has given Fnatic a strategic advantage. His flexibility in the draft makes it difficult for opponents to plan and adapt, while his attitude of focusing inward has inspired his team and the entire region. Other teams, such as Vitality and G2, have taken note and begun to innovate as well.

Can it Continue?

Fnatic’s chaotic drafts and fast-paced gameplay set them apart from the slower-moving Korean styles. They resemble the ROX Tigers, a team known for their unique style and willingness to play unconventional champions. While the Tigers didn’t win a world championship, they came close and were a joy to watch. There are risks involved with Fnatic’s style, but it’s clear that they’ve found a winning formula.

Fnatic and other European teams have realized that playing the Korean style isn’t enough to beat the actual Koreans. They’re taking risks, playing their own game, and it’s paying off. This is why they’re finding success at Worlds once again.

Fnatic, European teams, League of Legends World Championships, G2, Vitality, innovative strategies, mid laner Caps, unique meta, ROX Tigers.