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How Does Riot Identify Elo Boosting?

Understanding Elo Boosting in League of Legends

Most people are familiar with the MMR (Matchmaking Rating) and Elo rating systems in gaming. But what exactly are they and how do they affect your gameplay? Let’s dive into the details of Elo Boosting and explore its consequences.

What is Elo in League of Legends?

Elo is a ranking system that measures your skill level in League of Legends. It was named after Arpad Elo, a physics professor who created the system for ranking chess players. The Elo system matches players with similar skill levels against each other, ensuring fair and balanced gameplay. In League of Legends, your Elo determines your ranking in the game.

The Hidden Ranking System, MMR

MMR stands for Matchmaking Rating and is another system that tracks your skill level in League of Legends. It is not visible to players, but it determines the quality of players you are matched with in games. MMR is based on your win and loss ratio and other performance metrics. It directly affects your Elo and the number of League Points (LP) you earn or lose from ranked games.

Elo and MMR Boosting

Elo and MMR boosting involve manipulating your ranking or MMR in order to achieve a higher rank in the game. Players may seek boosting services to improve their standing, but these practices have consequences. Boosting can lead to unfair matchmaking and negatively impact the gameplay experience for others. It can also result in punishment from Riot, such as temporary bans, loss of rewards, or even permanent bans for repeat offenders.

How Does Riot Detect MMR and Elo Boosting?

Riot has systems in place to detect MMR and Elo boosting. They monitor players’ progress, win/loss ratios, and sudden improvements in gameplay. They also track account activities, such as logging in from different locations. If suspicious activity is detected, players may be subject to punishment. While some players may try to use VPNs or avoid ranked games after boosting, the risk of getting caught and facing consequences remains.

Boosting and Punishment

Both boosters and the players who receive boosting are subject to punishment if caught by Riot. Punishments can range from temporary bans to loss of season rewards or even permanent bans for repeated offenses.


While Elo and MMR boosting may seem tempting to achieve higher ranks in League of Legends, it’s important to consider the consequences. Boosting can lead to negative experiences for other players, account risks, and punishments from Riot. It’s better to focus on improving your skills and enjoying the game without resorting to boosting services.