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How Cloud 9 Can Best Prepare for the GE Tigers Draft Phase

Cloud 9 Prepares to Face GE Tigers: Draft Strategy and Compositions

In two weeks, Cloud 9, a North American team, will be going up against the GE Tigers, the top team in Korea. Despite the Tigers’ dominance in Season 5, Cloud 9 has struggled this season. Today, we will discuss the draft strategy Cloud 9 should use to have the best chance against the Tigers.

Understanding the Tigers’ Strengths

The GE Tigers are known for their versatility and ability to adapt quickly. They excel at playing various champions and have a wide champion pool. One of their most famous compositions is the “Juggermaw” comp, which involves using a Kog’Maw with champions that can give shields and speed. This allows Kog’Maw to serve as the primary damage dealer for the team. The Tigers also play almost every meta champion at a high level. However, they showed weakness in their second set against Samsung Galaxy with Lee’s performance on Rengar.

How Can Cloud 9 Counter the Tigers?

The first step for Cloud 9 is to ban Lulu, a crucial component of the Tigers’ Juggermaw comp. Beyond that, Cloud 9 should focus on shutting down the Tigers’ mid laner, Kuro, to disrupt their strategy. Encouraging Hai to practice champions like Viktor or LeBlanc would give Cloud 9 an advantage. Cloud 9 should also prioritize banning Lee Sin and Jarvan IV to limit the Tigers’ jungler options. In terms of team composition, Cloud 9 should opt for teamfight-oriented compositions to counter the Tigers’ focus on neutral objectives. They should consider picks like Maokai, Rumble, Hecarim, Nidalee, Zed, Corki, Janna, or Morgana.

Recommended Compositions for Cloud 9

A strong composition for Cloud 9 would include Hecarim, Rek’Sai, Zed, Corki, and Janna. This composition prioritizes split pushing and mobility, while also excelling in teamfights. Another option is Maokai, Nidalee, Viktor, Kallista, and Morgana. This composition focuses on teamfighting around objectives and has good engage potential.

Cloud 9 faces an uphill battle against the Tigers, but it’s not impossible for them to win. The chances of winning may be slim, but we won’t know until we see the games. Make sure to tune into IEM Katowice on March 12-15th to see how the match unfolds.

esports, Cloud 9, GE Tigers, draft strategy, compositions, Juggermaw comp, Lulu, Lee Sin, Jarvan IV, teamfight comp, split pushing, neutral objectives