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How a new coaching rule could enhance Cloud 9’s chances in the upcoming split

The Role of Coaches in LCS Games

One of Cloud 9’s challenges is having a top-notch shotcaller in Hai, but a less skilled player. Hai, who was once a dominant mid laner in the LCS, has returned from retirement to save Cloud 9’s season and lead them to worlds through his invaluable shot calling from the jungle.

This raises the question of why Hai couldn’t be the team’s shotcaller from a coaching role. Unfortunately, the LCS does not allow coaches on stage during the game. Although there has been a recent rule change that allows coaches on stage for the pick and ban phase, it’s still unclear why they are not permitted during the actual games.

Benefits of Coaches in Competitive Gaming

Unlike traditional team sports, where coaches can communicate with their teams during gameplay, the LCS players face communication difficulties. In fact, teams have started hiring support staff to address these issues. Allowing a coach to facilitate conversation during the heat of a game could greatly improve communication, strategy, and overall game quality.

However, there are concerns about potential drawbacks, such as coaches viewing the main screen like CJ Entus Frost’s Woong did in Season 2 Worlds, resulting in a cheating scandal. One solution could be providing the coach with their own computer or placing them behind the team, similar to the pick and ban phase, and monitoring their movements.

The Impact of Coaches on Competitive Integrity

In terms of competitive integrity, the responsibility lies with LCS officials to ensure the highest quality games. Coaches would have the advantage of tracking enemy jungle movements, offering solutions to unexpected issues, guiding players towards objectives, and improving their overall efficiency. With significant benefits and minimal drawbacks, it seems inevitable that this rule change will happen.