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High Increase in Azir’s Pick Rate Following Faker’s Memorable Play at Worlds, Resulting in Widespread Defeats

T1’s Faker Showcases Incredible Azir Skills at 2023 LoL World Championship

Faker from T1 has impressed the world with his exceptional Azir gameplay during the 2023 League of Legends World Championship semifinals against JDG. As a result, the Emperor’s pick rate has witnessed a significant spike. However, many players are struggling to play Azir effectively and are experiencing multiple losses.

When a League champion is piloted successfully in Worlds games, their pick rate in ranked and normal games tends to skyrocket. After Faker’s outstanding Azir outplays against JDG in the semifinals on Nov. 12, the Emperor of Shurima is now being played more frequently. In Patch 13.22, Azir’s pick rate increased from 2.7 percent to 3.9 percent in the U.S. alone, according to the League stat tracking website U.GG.

However, despite the rise in popularity, players are facing difficulties while playing Azir, resulting in a decline in his win rates not only in NA but worldwide.

The Challenges of Playing Azir

Azir is one of the champions classified as “hard to play” due to his intricate mechanics, making him challenging to master. His ultimate can be a powerful tool for manipulating enemy positions, but it can also create major problems if not used correctly or if the player fails to position themselves effectively.

Unfortunately, many enthusiastic League players are learning this the hard way.

Learn from Faker’s Expertise

Despite the difficulties, it is still worth giving Azir a try. However, it’s essential to remember that Faker, the “Unkillable Demon King,” has played professional League for 10 years and has already accumulated 150 professional games on Azir. He has an impressive win rate of 68 percent on this champion, far above the average.

You can utilize Faker’s knowledge to your advantage by studying his Azir build, including his runes, items, summoner spells, and strategies for different matchups. By applying similar tactics, you can improve your Azir gameplay.

Stay Persistent and Keep Trying

The same approach can be applied to T1 Keria’s Bard strategy. Mastering these champions may not come easily, but with persistence and practice, you can increase your chances of winning more games.

So, if you’ve taken a leap with Azir and faced failure, don’t give up. Keep going, and one day, you will become better.

T1, Faker, Azir, League of Legends, World Championship, pick rate, ranked games, mechanics, win rates, Unkillable Demon King, professional League, runes, items, summoner spells, strategies, T1 Keria, Bard strategy