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High Elo Shyvana Jungle Path – Optimal Routes, Build, and Clearing Guide

The shape-shifting mechanic is common in MOBA games, but in the early days of League of Legends, few champions had multiple forms or similar mechanics. Shyvana was one of the first champions with shape-shifting abilities, and her Dragon form is still one of the most iconic ultimates in the game. She has the flexibility to build offensive or defensive items, making her well-equipped for any situation.

Although Shyvana has a low play rate, she has a reputation for being able to one-shot opponents with AP builds. With the new Mythic system and item changes, AP Shyvana has become a viable win condition. Many players now prefer to play her for her burst damage rather than her skirmishing power.

In the current meta, where damage and healing are high, AP Shyvana is experiencing her best time in League of Legends history. Don’t hesitate to join in on the fun of deleting enemy carries with one ability to secure victory.

In this article, we will walk you through the essentials of playing Shyvana, including her summoner spells, runes, and item builds. We will also provide the best jungle paths and clearing strategies for optimal performance.

**Summoner Spells**
– Flash + Smite: Shyvana needs more mobility than her kit provides, so Flash is essential for sticking to targets or escaping dangerous situations.

**Shyvana Runes**
– AD Shyvana: Press the Attack or Lethal Tempo as the keystone, with Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Coup de Grace, Magical Footwear, and Cosmic Insight as secondary runes.
– AP Shyvana: Dark Harvest for burst potential, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, Ravenous Hunter, Transcendence, and Gathering Storm for added sustain and damage.

**AD Shyvana Items**
– Starting Items: Hailblade + Refillable Potion
– Mythic Item: Frostfire Gauntlet
– Core Items: Defensive Boots, Blade of the Ruined King, Sterak’s Gage
– Finishing Options: Wit’s End, Thornmail, Guardian Angel

**AP Shyvana Items**
– Starting Items: Hailblade + Refillable Potion
– Mythic Item: Night Harvester
– Core Items: Sorcerer’s Shoes, Nashor’s Tooth, Mejai’s Soulstealer (optional)
– Finishing Options: Cosmic Drive, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Zhonya’s Hourglass

**Skill Order**
– AD Shyvana: W > Q > E > R
– AP Shyvana: E > W > Q > R

**The Best Jungle Paths for Shyvana**
– 1. Red Side, Red Clear: Red Buff, Krugs, Raptors, Wolves, Blue Buff, Gromp, Scuttler
– 2. Red Side, Blue Clear: Blue Buff, Gromp, Wolves, Raptors, Red Buff, Krugs, Scuttler
– 3. Blue Side, Blue Clear: Blue Buff, Gromp, Wolves, Raptors, Red Buff, Krugs, Scuttler
– 4. Blue Side, Red Clear: Red Buff, Krugs, Raptors, Wolves, Blue Buff, Gromp, Scuttler

**Tips and Tricks**
– AD Shyvana relies on Twin Bite for damage and has a hybrid build possibility with Lich Bane and Nashor’s Tooth.
– Burnout provides bonus damage, movement speed, and extended duration with basic attacks.
– Flame Breath has a 100% AP ratio and is key for AP Shyvana burst damage.
– Dragon’s Descent can be used for engage (AD Shyvana) or burst damage (AP Shyvana).

Remember to farm efficiently and pressure the map as Shyvana. With the right items and strategy, you can dominate teamfights and secure victory for your team. Good luck on the Rift!