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High Elo Karthus Jungle Path – Optimal Jungle Routes for Karthus in Season 12

In the early days of League of Legends, only a few champions had global-range abilities. Karthus, whose Ultimate ability remains unique, can deal damage to all enemy champions across the map. Despite his one-of-a-kind kit, Karthus has rarely been a popular pick. This may be due to a misunderstanding of his mechanics.

Interestingly, Karthus became more popular when players started taking AP Mages into the Jungle. Today, we will be looking at the best Jungle path for Karthus, as well as the core mechanics and strategies required to play him at a high level. We will also provide some tips and tricks to enhance your Karthus gameplay.

Summoner Spells

Flash and Smite are essential for Karthus. His lack of mobility makes Flash necessary, especially in a meta that favors Assassins and quick executions. Giving up on Flash would make Karthus an easy target.

The Best Karthus Runes

Despite recent changes to Runes and items, the best Rune choices for Karthus have remained the same. Dark Harvest, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, and Ultimate Hunter are preferred, along with Presence of Mind and Last Stand.

The Best Karthus Items

Karthus’ item build can be flexible, depending on the game. However, starting items like Hailblade and Refillable Potion are recommended. Liandry’s Anguish is a popular mythic item. Core items include Sorcerer’s Shoes, Mejai’s Soulstealer, and Zhonya’s Hourglass. Rabadon’s Deathcap, Void Staff, Demonic Embrace, and Morellonomicon are suitable finishing options.

The Best Skill Order for Karthus

Karthus’ skill maxing order is straightforward. Prioritize maxing Q, followed by E, W, and finally R. Q provides the most damage and helps with Jungle clear, while E offers consistent DPS.

The Best Jungle Paths for Karthus

When playing Karthus in the Jungle, there are several factors to consider when choosing a Jungle path. These include which laners will provide assistance, potential counter-jungling opportunities, and the preferred lane to gank. As a Mage Jungler, Karthus brings an element of surprise to ganks and should take advantage of his unique abilities.

Red Side, Red Clear

Starting at Red Buff, clear the Krugs, then move on to Raptors and Wolves. Finish with Blue Buff, Gromp, and Scuttle. Look for ganking opportunities and use Wall of Pain to trap enemies.

Red Side, Blue Clear

Start at Blue Buff, clear Gromp, then clear Wolves and Raptors. Proceed to Red Buff and Krugs. Take Scuttle and gank lanes with the help of Wall of Pain.

Blue Side, Red Clear

Start at Red Buff, clear the Gromp, then Wolves and Raptors. Secure Blue Buff and Krugs. Take Scuttle and focus on ganking pushed lanes.

Blue Side, Blue Clear

Begin at Blue Buff, clear Gromp, then Wolves and Raptors. Move to Red Buff and Krugs. Secure Scuttle and look for ganking opportunities.

The Best Tips and Tricks for Karthus

  • Use your Ultimate ability during team fights rather than saving it for kills. It grants assists, Mejai’s and Dark Harvest stacks, and helps your team win fights.
  • Utilize the utility of Wall of Pain. It reduces magic resistance and provides a slow, making it effective for zoning enemies and setting up kills.
  • Avoid dying unnecessarily. Karthus loses Mejai’s stacks upon death, which can be costly in the late game.
  • Make use of the invulnerability period of your passive to position yourself for more Q spam before death.
  • Practice landing single-target Qs in clustered-up groups of enemies for maximum damage.

Finalizing Thoughts

Karthus is a powerful Mage but requires a team that can protect and support him. His role is to consistently deal damage with his abilities. Karthus offers flexibility in his item build, providing options for maximum damage or utility. Explore different builds and strategies to find what works best for you. Remember to check out our website for more League of Legends content.