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High Elo Diana Jungle Path – Optimal Routes for Diana in Season 12

League of Legends: A Guide to Diana Jungle

With over 150 champions in League of Legends, Diana, the Scorn of the Moon, has gained popularity in Season 12 due to the changes brought by the latest update. Despite being a solid pick since her release in 2012, Diana received a small rework to tackle issues with her sometimes linear gameplay. However, she still remains a strong champion who can out-scale and dominate her enemies in team fights with her high AOE damage and utility.

The current meta has created new opportunities for assassins like Diana, especially when combined with the new Mythic item, Crown of the Shattered Queen. This item provides ability power, haste, and flat resources, and its passive ability Safeguard eliminates the need for Banshee’s Veil for defensive items.

In this guide, we will focus on Diana’s jungle pathing and provide tips and tricks to help you effectively destroy the enemy team, even in close games!

Summoner Spells

As a jungler, Smite is a necessary pick, leaving you with only one option for your second summoner spell. Flash is the preferred choice for its escape potential and repositioning ability in team fights. However, experienced assassin players may substitute Flash with Ignite at the cost of their Mythic item.

Best Diana Runes

Electrocute is the recommended keystone for Diana, paired with Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, and Ultimate Hunter. These runes synergize well with Diana’s Assassin playstyle. Legend: Alacrity boosts her damage output, and Coup de Grace amplifies damage against squishy targets.

Best Diana Items

Starting with Hailblade and Refillable Potion, the recommended Mythic item for Diana is Crown of the Shattered Queen. Alternatively, Hextech Rocketbelt can be a good choice if mobility is favored over stats. Core items include Sorcerer’s Shoes, Lich Bane, and Nashor’s Tooth. Other options for finishing items include Void Staff, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Cosmic Drive, and Zhonya’s Hourglass.

Skill Order

Start with W at level 1 for healthier jungle clears, then max Q, followed by W and E. Despite some players suggesting to max W last, it is recommended to max it second for its shield and passive regeneration.

The Best Jungle Paths for Diana

When deciding on your jungle path, consider factors such as which laners can assist with clearing the first camp, counter-jungle opportunities, and the ideal lane to gank based on allied and enemy champions. Diana thrives in ganking and takedowns, so prioritize ganking lanes with multiple enemies.

Red Side, Red Clear

Start with the Red Buff, then move to Krugs, Raptors, Wolves, Blue Buff, and Gromp to complete a full clear. Look for ganking opportunities after the full clear, focusing on lanes where allies can provide crowd control.

Red Side, Blue Clear

Start with Blue Buff, then clear Gromp, Raptors, Wolves, Red Buff, and Krugs. Consider ganking after reaching level 3, using the slow from Red Buff to your advantage.

Blue Side, Red Clear

Start with Red Buff with the assistance of bot laners, then proceed to Krugs, Raptors, Wolves, Blue Buff, and Gromp. Look for ganking opportunities and counter-ganks with your AOE damage.

Blue Side, Blue Clear

Start with Blue Buff, clear Gromp, Raptors, Wolves, Red Buff, and Krugs (optional). Consider ganking or skirmishing in the river after clearing the camps.

The Best Tips and Tricks for Diana Jungle

– Utilize Diana’s ultimate ability (R) to turn the tides of team fights with its high burst damage.
– Consider using Smite to slow enemies and increase your chances of landing Q.
– Focus on counter-ganking and invading to shut down the enemy jungler.
– Land multi-man ultimates for maximum damage output in team fights.
– Make use of Rocketbelt’s short-range dash for repositioning.
– Don’t underestimate Diana’s auto-attacks, especially when combined with Lich Bane.

Finalizing Thoughts

Diana is a highly mobile assassin with AOE burst damage, making her a powerful champion in the early game. Drop wards in the enemy jungle to gain information and take advantage of opportunities for counter-ganks and solo kills. In team fights, adapt your playstyle as either an assassin or engage tool. Use Zhonya’s Hourglass strategically to survive and reposition yourself for maximum impact. Practice both strategies to fully harness Diana’s power.

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