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High Elo Amumu Jungle Path – The Top Jungle Routes for Amumu in Season 12

League of Legends is filled with powerful ultimates and flashy combinations, but today we’ll be taking a closer look at an old-school icon, Amumu, The Sad Mummy.

While Amumu may not be as popular as he once was, he still has the potential to turn fights and peel for his team with his simple Q + R combo. Despite his unchanged kit throughout the seasons, Amumu can easily match and even surpass newer champions in the tank jungle role if executed correctly.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into this Amumu Jungle guide, covering his pathing, clearing, and some additional tips and tricks to make your enemies weep!

Summoner Spells:
Flash + Smite are the best options for Amumu, as they synergize well with his ultimate and Q ability.

The Best Amumu Runes:
Instead of sticking to the Resolve tree, many players have found more success with the Precision tree. Running Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, and Last Stand is a great way to maximize Amumu’s utility and stacking stats. You can also choose secondary runes from the Domination or Resolve trees.

The Best Amumu Items:
Starting with Hailblade + Refillable Potion and building Sunfire Aegis as your Mythic item is a popular choice for Amumu. Defensive Boots, Thornmail, Abyssal Mask, and Force of Nature are core items. Optional finishing items include Randuin’s Omen, Demonic Embrace, and Gargoyle Stoneplate.

Off Meta:
For an off-meta build, you can go for an AP Amumu build with items like Demonic Embrace, Cosmic Drive, and Liandry’s Anguish. This build sacrifices tankiness for increased damage potential.

The Best Skill Order For Amumu:
Max E first for its defensive and offensive capabilities. Put your first point into W for easier early camp clears. Max Q second and finish with W.

The Best Jungle Paths for Amumu:
There are several options depending on your team and the enemy jungle’s movements. The main idea is to clear the camps efficiently while looking for gank opportunities. Always prioritize ganking lanes with allied champions that have consistent CC.

Tips and Tricks For Amumu Jungle:
Stick with your allies for team fights and secure picks with well-timed Q’s. Use your ultimate strategically, focusing on high-priority targets. Take advantage of the range on your Q for surprise flanks. Save Flash for chasing down enemy carries. Utilize Conqueror and your W damage for trades. Communicate and coordinate with your team.

Finalizing Thoughts:
Amumu is a supportive tank that excels at turning team fights and setting up large-scale flanks. He pairs well with potential carries and thrives in coordinated play. Don’t be afraid to go deep into the enemy team, but make sure your team can follow up. Amumu brings much-needed frontline, engage, and crowd control to any team composition.

With this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to dominate the jungle as Amumu, The Sad Mummy. So go out there and make your enemies cry!