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Here’s what the recent Jungle adjustments in Patch 8.10 mean

Riot made some major jungle changes in League of Legends Patch 8.10, but they have dialed back on those changes with Patch 8.11. Let’s break down what these changes mean for the meta.


The biggest controversy from Patch 8.10 was the mega-buff to the Scuttle. It now gives more gold, experience, and even returns on mana, making it more valuable than other jungle camps. In addition, only one crab spawns at a time, randomly, increasing tension between junglers and requiring laners to leave their lanes to help secure it. However, in Patch 8.11, the Scuttle’s respawn time was increased by 15 seconds, slightly slowing down the pace of its spawning. This gives laners a bit more time to stay in lane for trading or farming. While this change isn’t significant, it might affect how players approach the Scuttle.


The Baron Nashor was also nerfed in Patch 8.11, reducing the amount of damage it deals through corruption and disabling corruption spreading through special attacks. This makes Baron less threatening and easier to take down. Teams will now go for Baron more often because it’s less dangerous. This might lead to an increase in Banners of Command to synchronize with late-game siege strategies.


The smallest change in Patch 8.11 is the nerf to jungle camps. After Patch 8.10, camps became worth much less experience, forcing junglers to fight over limited experience resources. However, Patch 8.11 only slightly reversed these nerfs. The experience provided by camps has increased by a maximum of 10, which may help junglers keep up once they reach mid-game. But the impact of this change will likely be insignificant.

Overall, Patch 8.11 shows that Riot recognized that the changes in 8.10 were too extreme. It’s possible that there will be more changes to the jungle in future patches.

Riot, League of Legends, Patch 8.11, jungle changes, Scuttle, Baron, monsters, meta