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Here’s an update on what we’ve discovered about the current meta at Worlds

The Meta for the 2017 Worlds: What to Expect

This year’s League of Legends World Championships have brought about some changes in the meta. In the past, big changes right before the tournament caused teams to scramble and adapt. However, Riot Games took a different approach this year, making small tweaks to balance the meta for pro players. The result is the healthiest Worlds meta in years.

Not Much Has Changed

From the play-in round, it’s clear that the meta hasn’t changed much. The focus is still on ADCs, with tanks in the top lane and jungle serving as meat shields. Some of the popular ADC picks include Kalista, Tristana, Kog’Maw, Xayah, and Varus.

Tanks, Tanks, Tanks

Tanks continue to dominate the top lane. Maokai and Cho’Gath are the most popular picks due to their ability to peel for carries and their item build versatility. Tank champions benefit greatly from items like Righteous Glory and Gargoyle’s Stoneplate, making it difficult for carries to punish them.

Should You Continue to Rush Ardent Censer?

In the support meta, getting Ardent Censer first is still the goal. However, engage champions like Alistar and Rakan are frequently banned, leaving Janna and Lulu as popular support picks. Some ADCs are also opting for a Barrier build and relying on the support’s Heal to maximize the benefits of Ardent Censer.

RIP Assassins and Early-Game Champions

Early-game junglers like Lee Sin and Nidalee have not made a strong comeback at Worlds. The jungle is still dominated by champions like Sejuani, Jarvan IV, and Gragas, who prefer to reach the late game and start team fights. The mid lane has also seen limited champion diversity, with Syndra and Orianna being the most popular picks.

As the tournament progresses, we can expect to see more champion diversity and strategies from top laners and supports. The meta is constantly evolving, and it will be exciting to see how teams adapt and innovate. Stay tuned for more updates!

League of Legends, Worlds meta, ADC, tanks, support meta, Ardent Censer, assassins, early-game champions.