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Hecarim boasts the highest win rate in the jungle, reaching 54% after buffs in League’s Patch 10.16.

Hecarim Takes the Top Spot in League of Legends Jungle Position

Hecarim, the popular half-man, half-horse champion, has soared to the number one spot in the jungle position on the League of Legends leaderboards in Patch 10.16. With a win rate of 54.05%, he has become a force to be reckoned with in the game.

One of the reasons behind Hecarim’s rise in popularity is the recent buffs to his ability Devastating Charge (E). According to stats site LoLalytics, Hecarim has seen a significant 2.72% increase in his win rate since the buffs. Riot increased his bonus movement speed from 25% to 75% to 25% to 100%, giving him better mobility and the potential for more successful ganks and engagements.

The increased movement speed not only benefits Hecarim’s mobility, but it also enhances the damage output of his passive ability. These buffs have contributed to Hecarim’s dominance in the game.

Additional Buffs to Predator and Ghost

In addition to the buffs to Devastating Charge, Riot has also made adjustments to Hecarim’s key rune, Predator, and summoner spell, Ghost. These changes have further strengthened Hecarim’s abilities.

Both Predator and Ghost have undergone significant changes in recent months. Riot has increased Predator’s damage and cooldown, as well as Ghost’s bonus movement speed from levels one to 18.

With these combined buffs, Hecarim has become an incredibly powerful and dominant champion in League of Legends.

Potential Impact in Pro Play

Although Hecarim has yet to make a notable impact in professional play and has been rarely picked in the 2020 Summer Split, the upcoming LEC playoffs, starting on Thursday, Aug. 13, could see a rise in his popularity. He may become a highly-contested champion in the competitive scene.

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