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Hai receives chat restriction in League for insulting a player, while 2 AFK players avoid punishment

Hai Calls Attention to Issues with Riot Games’ Punishment System

Former professional player Hai has shed light on further problems with Riot Games’ punishment system. He recently received a chat restriction in solo queue after criticizing two players who went AFK in his team’s base.


Hai, aged 27, posted an image on social media that contained a message from a Riot staff member. The message included a portion of the chat logs from Hai’s game, illustrating his interaction with the two AFK players.

Riot’s Inadequate Response

In the chat logs, Hai can be seen berating the players, labeling them as “terrible” and criticizing their attitude for going AFK in a high Elo ranked game. As a result, Riot issued a chat restriction and also downgraded Hai’s honor level.

However, the larger issue at hand is that Riot has not taken action against the main offenders—the AFK players in the game. They were the ones responsible for ruining the game, yet they seem to have faced no significant consequences. The Ryze player is still participating in ranked solo queue, while the Draven player is still active on the account.

Persistent Problem in the League Community

This problem has been raised by numerous prominent figures in the League community in the past. Former professional player and popular streamer Voyboy, for instance, uploaded a video last month discussing the lack of punishment for trolls, griefers, and AFK players in League. The video has now accumulated over 1.2 million views on YouTube, with the related tweet receiving over 11,000 retweets.

Riot may need to reconsider its reporting and punishment system, as many players are becoming disillusioned with League due to its failure to effectively address negative and game-altering behavior.

Riot Games, punishment system, League of Legends, Hai, chat restriction, AFK players, negative behavior, lack of punishment, League community