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H2K’s Journey to Worlds

H2K Defeats Unicorns of Love in Close Series

Both H2K and Unicorns of Love came into this match after disappointing defeats against Origen and Fnatic, making this series crucial for securing the second seed for Europe at Worlds.

The first game was surprising, with both teams showing strong gameplay and preparation. H2K started well, taking two turrets from UOL in the laneswap. While UOL had better mid-game picks, H2K kept up and executed great teamfights. H2K won the first game in one of the closest matches in the EU LCS.

In the second game, UOL chose Gangplank and a different composition with a lot of globals, but it didn’t work out. H2K capitalized on UOL’s predictable pathing and took an early lead. The quality of the team fights was disappointing, and UOL’s laneswap was once again problematic.

In the third game, UOL attempted to contest H2K’s comfort picks but ended up with a weak composition. H2K took an early advantage through good roams and UOL’s inability to contest mid. Hjarnan had a standout performance on Sivir, and H2K snowballed to a clean 3-0 victory.

H2K’s Challenges for Worlds

H2K outdrafted UOL and showcased a stronger early game, but they still need to improve their rotations to compete against world-class teams. A victory for Origen against Fnatic is the only thing that can prevent H2K from qualifying for Worlds. Regardless, H2K has had a great season, reaching top 3 in both splits despite coming from the Challenger Series. However, they may struggle against top teams and have many exploitable weaknesses. It will be interesting to see how Hjarnan performs against players like imp and Deft, and if junglers like KaKao and Clearlove can punish loulex. The anticipation for Worlds is high.

Related keywords: H2K, Unicorns of Love, European League of Legends Championship Series, Worlds, Origen, Fnatic, esports, gameplay, teamfights, Sivir, Gangplank, roams, rotations, weaknesses, World Championship.