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H2K loses VandeR, now left with only three players.

The departure of H2K Gaming’s star support

The 2016 League of Legends World Championship saw H2K Gaming emerge as the best non-Korean team. However, with the competitive offseason nearing its end, the team is now down to just three players.

Oskar “VandeR” Bogdan, H2K Gaming’s star support, is no longer part of the team’s active roster. He becomes the third player to leave the lineup after the World Championship. Alongside VandeR, AD carry Konstantinos “FORG1VEN” Tzortziou and mid laner Yoo “Ryu” Sang-ook have also departed during the League of Legends offseason.

This news comes just two months after H2K’s successful run to the Worlds semifinals. After dominating their group, they easily defeated Albus NoX Luna 3-0 in the quarterfinals. However, their journey came to an end in the semifinals when Samsung Galaxy defeated them 3-0.

VandeR and H2K jungler Marcin “Jankos” Jankowski joined the team on December 8, 2015, after spending almost two years on Team ROCCAT. The duo became feared in the European League Championship Series, with Jankos earning the nickname “first blood king” for his knack of always securing the first kill of the game. With VandeR’s departure, the duo is now separated for the first time since late 2013, ending almost four years of teamwork.

The H2K organization emphasized that they are actively helping VandeR find a new team for the 2017 season.

League of Legends, H2K Gaming, support player, World Championship, departure, offseason, competitive, AD carry, mid laner, departure, roster, campaign, Ukrainian underdogs, semifinals, finalists, jungler, European League Championship Series, first blood king, teamwork, new team.