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H2k, G2, Vitality, and Unicorns of Love secure spots in LCS playoffs

The Race to the Playoffs Heats Up in the LCS Spring Split

The League Championship Series (LCS) Spring Split is nearing its end, with only two weeks remaining. The competition to secure a spot in the playoffs is becoming increasingly intense.

The top four teams in the European LCS have already guaranteed their place in the end of season playoffs. Leading the league are H2k-Gaming, G2 Esports, and Vitality, all with impressive 11-3 records. The Unicorns of Love, finishing second to Fnatic in last season’s Spring Playoffs, have also qualified with a 9-5 record.

With only four games left in the regular season, Giants Gaming is the only team currently out of the playoff race. They have had a disappointing season with only two victories so far.

Fnatic and Origen, the semi-finalists of the 2015 World Championships, will secure the final two playoff spots with victories next week. However, Origen will need to beat Fnatic in their second game to secure their place.

The top two teams at the end of the split will skip the quarter-final stage, making H2k and G2 the favorites to claim the byes. After two consecutive weeks of 1-1 results that allowed Vitality to catch up, H2k and G2 went undefeated this week with wins over Fnatic, Giants, Elements, and Origen respectively.

Giants, Roccat, Splyce, and Elements are the favorites for the bottom three spots in the league. The teams at the bottom of the table will have to fight for their spot in the next Split by entering the Summer Promotion tournament.

Although four spots in the playoffs have already been decided, the standings at both the top and bottom of the table are close. Fans can look forward to an exciting end to the first season of 2016.

League Championship Series, LCS Spring Split, playoffs, European LCS, top four teams, H2k-Gaming, G2 Esports, Vitality, Unicorns of Love, Fnatic, Giants Gaming, Origen, quarter-final stage, Summer Promotion tournament.