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H2k Advances to Semifinals with Dominant Performance at Worlds 2016

H2k-Gaming vs Albus NoX Luna: Worlds 2016 Quarterfinals

H2k-Gaming (EU LCS) and Albus NoX Luna (LCL) went head-to-head in the fourth quarterfinals matchup for Worlds 2016. Here is a breakdown of each game in the series:

Game One:

H2k Bans: Brand, Nidalee
ANX Bans: Poppy, Ryze, Jhin, Kennen

H2k Picks: Jayce, Lee Sin, Vladimir, Sivir, Zyra
ANX Picks: Gnar, Olaf, Syndra, Caitlyn, Bard

The game began with H2k taking control of the bottom lane but the real action happened in the top lane. Jankos face-checked the top lane tri-brush and was caught off guard by Olaf, but Odoamne was there to back him up and secure a kill. This early advantage allowed H2k to establish control, taking the first tower and securing five kills by the 15-minute mark. ANX was only able to secure the first dragon of the game. Twenty minutes in, ANX tried to pick off Odoamne but H2k stole the Infernal Drake, increasing their gold lead. After winning fights and taking down ANX inhibitors, H2k secured game one.

Game Two:

ANX Bans: Sivir, Brand, Olaf, Poppy
H2k Bans: Ryze, Nidalee, Jhin

ANX Picks: Gnar, Elise, Syndra, Caitlyn, Alistar
H2k Picks: Jayce, Lee Sin, Vladimir, Lucian, Zyra

In game two, the action started in the bottom lane. H2k won the extended team fight, securing four kills on ANX and taking the first two dragons of the game. By 18 minutes, H2k had a 10k gold lead and took down the first three turrets of the game. They then took Baron and used the buff to apply pressure down the mid lane, taking down the tier two turret. Odoamne split pushed down bot lane and H2k won a team fight, leading to their victory in just over 23 minutes.

Game Three:

H2k Bans: Brand, Nidalee, Poppy
ANX Bans: Sivir, Ryze, Jhin

H2k Picks: Jayce, Lee Sin, Syndra, Lucian, Zyra
ANX Picks: Gnar, Olaf, Zilean, Caitlyn, Bard

In game three, the first blood happened in the mid lane with Ryu securing a kill onto Kira. While H2k had the early advantage, ANX was able to prevent a snowball by securing objectives. Despite this, H2k maintained a gold lead. ANX delayed a Baron but H2k won a team fight in the bottom lane and rode a wave of Baron buffed minions into the ANX base, taking down their Nexus and securing the series.

H2k-Gaming wins the series 3-0 against Albus NoX Luna.