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Guide to Surviving Season 5 – 5 Tips for Achieving High ELO in 2015

5 Tips to Reach Your ELO Goals This Season

Hi, I’m ransyama, a Diamond player who struggled in low ELO for a long time. But after making some small adjustments, I managed to reach Diamond from Platinum in just one week! Today, I’ll share these adjustments with you.

Tip #1: Follow the Golden Rule of Solo Queue.

What is the Golden Rule of Solo Queue? It’s a simple rule I made up:

“Solo Queue is not real League of Legends. It’s a minigame mode where you guide 4 random bots to victory against 5 random bots, more than 50% of the time.”

If you want to climb, you must stop doing ANYTHING that contradicts the Golden Rule.

Tip #2: Do NOT speak human language to the bots.

Every other champion in the game is like a bot. They are programmed a certain way and you can’t change it. So, don’t bother giving them LoL lessons during a game. Conversation only distracts your team from winning. However, pings aren’t human language, so spam them as much as you can!

Tip #3: Mute bots that rage.

Some bots will talk to you, especially after mistakes. You can’t stop the rage, so just mute them and focus on the game. Remember the Golden Rule? If a habit doesn’t increase your winrate, drop it.

Tip #4: Focus on one role or champion.

Pick a role or champion and stick with it. Don’t worry about what others prefer. You can make it to Diamond by spamming your preferred role/champion. Being a well-rounded player isn’t necessary if your goal is a high ranking.

Tip #5: Dodge if you don’t get your role.

If you don’t get your preferred role, consider dodging the game. It saves time, preserves your MMR, and allows you to climb faster. Abuse dodging to your advantage.

When Season 5 begins on January 21st, keep these tips in mind and make your way to high ELO! Remember the Golden Rule and spam your favorite champion. You’ve got this!