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Guide on Playing Akshan, the Latest Champion in League of Legends

Akshan: League of Legends’ Newest Champion

Akshan is the latest champion to join the League of Legends roster. He offers a unique take on the marksman class, with a focus on ability-based gameplay and scaling attack speed. Unlike most marksmen designed for the bottom lane, Akshan excels in solo lanes. His kit includes a grappling hook that allows him to navigate the map with ease and outmaneuver his opponents.

If you’re looking for a versatile marksman with utility and mobility, Akshan is a great addition to your champion pool.

Runes and Abilities

Akshan benefits from Precision as his primary rune tree. Press the Attack is an excellent choice because it can quickly stack when you use your Heroic Swing ability near an enemy. Conqueror is another viable option, especially in melee matchups where you can harass your opponent without much retaliation.

If you anticipate being out-poked in lane, Fleet Footwork provides survivability during the laning phase.

Here’s a breakdown of Akshan’s abilities:

Passive: Dirty Fighting
Akshan’s passive has two components. The first is a multi-hitting passive, similar to Vi. When you hit an opponent with an ability or basic attack, you apply a stack. Accumulating three stacks within five seconds detonates the marks, dealing bonus magic damage and granting a shield if the target is a champion.

The second component of Akshan’s passive relates to his auto attacks. After using a basic attack, an additional shot is fired, dealing bonus damage. Cancelling the second shot grants bonus movement speed for one second. Allowing the second shot to go off triggers on-hit effects but with reduced effectiveness from critical strike modifiers.

Q: Avengerang
Akshan throws a boomerang forward, damaging every enemy it passes through. Each time an enemy is hit, the range of the boomerang is extended, with no maximum range if it keeps striking enemies. After reaching maximum range, the boomerang returns to Akshan, applying the same effects.

Whenever a champion is hit by Akshan’s Q, he gains a temporary burst of movement speed.

W: Going Rogue
Akshan’s W has both a passive and an active component. The passive marks any enemy champions that kill your teammates with the “Scoundrel” debuff. Eliminating a scoundrel grants extra gold and revives slain allies. The active component gives Akshan camouflage when near a wall or inside a brush. While camouflaged, he gains bonus movement speed and mana regeneration when moving towards scoundrels. He can also see a trail leading towards scoundrels, similar to Warwick’s Blood Hunt.

E: Heroic Swing
Akshan’s E is his most essential ability. It allows him to shoot a grappling hook and rotate around terrain quickly. During the cast, he performs auto attacks on nearby enemies. The ability can be canceled early to leap in a target direction and fire one last bullet.

The cooldown of Heroic Swing is reset when Akshan eliminates an enemy champion, providing additional movement options in teamfights.

R: Comeuppance
Akshan’s ultimate is reminiscent of Caitlyn’s Ace in the Hole. After selecting an enemy champion, he charges up, storing bullets that will be fired at the enemy. However, the bullets can be blocked by other champions, minions, and structures. Akshan can still move, cast Heroic Swing, and even Flash while charging or firing his ultimate.

Item Choices

Although Akshan is not primarily played in the bottom lane, his item builds resemble those of traditional marksmen. In most cases, you should opt for Noonquiver-type Mythics, with Galeforce being a powerful choice due to its mobility and burst damage that synergizes well with Akshan’s kit.

In certain circumstances, you can consider Lethality Mythics if the enemy team lacks a tanky frontline or poses a significant burst threat. Eclipse is a versatile item that provides offensive and defensive benefits, such as a shield and lifesteal.

When choosing legendary items, prioritize critical strike as it enhances Akshan’s abilities that still benefit from critical strike chance. Essence Reaver is an excellent choice, especially when weaving abilities with auto attacks. Additionally, Akshan’s abilities and second shot benefit from lifesteal, making Bloodthirster a valuable sustain option.

Early Laning Phase

During the laning phase, take advantage of Akshan’s range and harass your opponents with basic attacks and Avengerangs. Despite the reduced damage to minions, your Q helps stack your three-hit passive, which deals significant damage. Use your grappling hook strategically to escape ganks, but be cautious of enemies who can interrupt your dash.

If you have lane priority, consider roaming or faking a roam to create pressure on other lanes.

Mid and Late Game Navigation

In the mid game, look for opportunities to flank opponents using the active component of Going Rogue. Be mindful of enemy Control Wards and ambushes inside bushes, as they can reveal your camouflage. In the late game, make the most of the passive aspects of your kit. Let your teammates engage, and then follow up by eliminating the enemies who killed your allies.

Reviving teammates through the scoundrel mechanic gives you a numerical advantage on the map, allowing for macro plays.

Try out Akshan when Patch 11.15 releases on July 21.

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Akshan, League of Legends, champion, runes, abilities, item choices, laning phase, mid game, late game.