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Guide: Mastering AP Twitch in League of Legends

League of Legends has introduced a new item system in its preseason patch.

Players of all skill levels are using this time to experiment with new strategies and research tactics to challenge the meta. One strategy that has gained attention is ability power Twitch, which has caught the eye of pro player Sneaky. The preseason patch has given Twitch newfound AP ratios on his passive, Expunge (E), and the slow on his Venom Cask (W).

Here’s everything you need to know to play AP Twitch successfully.

Runes, item path, and skill order

Lethal Tempo is the essential keystone rune for AP Twitch as it enables his attack speed scaling for increased damage. However, if you’re facing poke-heavy champions in the bottom lane, consider swapping to Fleet Footwork for extra sustain during the laning phase.

Unlike other champions that prioritize building their Mythic item first, AP Twitch focuses on Nashor’s Tooth for its attack speed and AP stats. Complete Nashor’s Tooth before building Night Harvester as your Mythic item to amplify your effectiveness and reduce the cooldown of Expunge. Rabadon’s Deathcap will further increase your damage once Night Harvester is complete.

For the final items to build, consider Zhonya’s Hourglass against burst champions, Banshee’s Veil for crowd control or engagement prevention, or Lichbane for additional damage and movement speed.

Max out Expunge first for your primary source of damage, followed by Ambush to expand your Stealth duration and boost movement speed.

The early, mid, and late game compared to AD Twitch

In the early laning phase, your goal is to survive as AD Twitch does. Last hit under your turret using your passive and Expunge to secure gold and CS.

In the mid game, AP Twitch transitions from marksman to assassin. Use Ambush stealth to find lone opponents, quickly stack your passive with auto attacks and Venom Cask, and finish them off with Expunge. Focus on bursts of damage rather than sustained damage against grouped-up teams.

In the late game, be mindful of Control Ward spots to avoid being caught and burst down by opponents. Mana management is crucial as AP Twitch is more reliant on Expunge for damage.

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