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Guide: Achieving an S Rank on Support

Players in League of Legends aim to improve their skills and performance by achieving higher ranks, ranging from D- to S+. Obtaining an S Rank or above not only gives players bragging rights but also provides additional incentives, such as enhancing vanity elements for their champion.

Getting an S Rank is not an easy feat. It requires focus and attention to specific components of the grading system. This article will provide some tips on how to achieve an S Rank as a support in League of Legends.

As a support, the approach is different compared to other roles. Supporting components, such as assists, vision score, and participation in objectives/skirmishes, play a crucial role in obtaining an S Rank. Although it may seem more challenging, playing support can actually be the quickest route to achieve an S Rank since there are fewer things to worry about during the game.

To maintain a continuous S Rank, performing well as your champion is essential. This means outperforming the average player in metrics like creep score, kill/death/assist ratio, vision score, objective control, damage dealt/taken, and more. Each of these metrics holds different significance depending on your position in the team. Let’s dive deeper into what each metric signifies:

1. Creep Score (CS)
CSing, or last-hitting minions, is crucial for maintaining a good score. Midlaners and ADCs should aim for at least 7 CS per minute, while supports don’t need as many. Practice striking minions and clearing waves efficiently to improve CS.

2. Kill/Death/Assist (KDA)
For offensive roles, earning kills is important, but as a support, having a high assist percentage is sufficient. Aim for a kill/assist to death ratio of 4:1 or higher to achieve an S Rank. Participate in skirmishes and ensure high kill participation with your team.

3. Vision Score
Efficient warding and vision control contribute to a higher vision score. It’s not just about placing wards but also revealing enemy champions. The more enemy champions you reveal, the better your vision score. Utilize vision-sweeping devices to remove enemy wards and deny opponent’s vision.

4. Objective Control
Being able to contribute to objectives like turrets, dragon hordes, and Baron Nashor shows objective control. Engage in these objectives and make a greater impact rather than waiting for your teammates to complete them. Winning games and destroying the enemy Nexus is crucial for obtaining an S Rank.

5. Don’t let yourself get killed
Avoid dying as much as possible by avoiding risky plays and not following teammates into suicide. Dying provides the enemy team with free resources. Focus on farming and getting stronger on your own without constantly staring at the gray screen.

6. Be proactive
Take the initiative and avoid being a victim. Score kills, starve opponents, and make aggressive plays to disrupt the enemy team.

7. Wards
Place and destroy wards effectively to maintain vision control. Removing the enemy’s vision with pink and red trinkets prevents the opposing jungler or midlaner from ganking your lane.

8. Damage Dealt/Damage Taken
As an offensive role, do significant damage to enemy champions while taking minimal damage yourself. As a defensive role, endure damage while maintaining a high KDA.

Remember that it’s important to balance these metrics and not focus too much on one aspect at the expense of others. Practice incorporating all these elements into your gameplay seamlessly.

Obtaining an S Rank is not only beneficial for personal achievement but also enhances overall performance. Players consistently achieving an S or above rating indicate their ability to play at a high level, both individually and as a team. Mastering these five factors can lead to success in professional League of Legends games. It’s a journey that requires effort but ultimately pays off in improving gameplay and climbing the competitive ladder.

Going for an S Rank also has additional perks, such as earning mastery tokens and Hextech Chests. Mastery tokens contribute to a champion’s mastery level, and obtaining S- or above ratings can earn these tokens. Mastery levels 6 and 7 require specific numbers of tokens, which can only be achieved through S or S+ ratings.

In conclusion, understanding how to obtain an S Rank in League of Legends is beneficial for personal growth, team performance, and additional rewards. Focus on improving in all aspects of the game and strive for success in every match.