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Group A: Exciting Storylines for the Season 5 World Championship

Riding the Faith Train

CLG fans have suffered in the past three years. They were constantly ridiculed and memed by the majority of the Reddit community due to their underwhelming performances. However, this split, everything changed. CLG brought in a new coaching staff and a new mid laner, and revamped their training schedule. This led to CLG winning their first ever LCS split and capturing their first title since 2011. Now, CLG is making it to Worlds and they are looking to become the first NA team to win the Summoner’s Cup in the modern era of League of Legends.

Winning back the hearts of the Taiwanese fans

The Flash Wolves, despite being one of the top teams in the LMS, have never been popular among Taiwanese fans. They have always lagged behind teams like Taipei Assassins, AHQ, and Hongkong Esports in terms of popularity. However, the Flash Wolves have bounced back in 2015, winning IEM Taipei and making their region proud. Now, they have a chance to upset the odds and have a respectable performance in the Worlds, which might finally earn them the support and love they deserve from the Taiwanese fans.

More than just a KaBuM!

paiN Gaming is currently in the best form of their lives. They dominated the CBLOL Winter Playoffs and the International WildCard held in Chile, establishing themselves as the best team Brazil has ever produced. However, their strategical play has been lackluster, and their laning and team fighting prowess have covered it up. Now, paiN Gaming has a favorable group draw, which could be a dream come true for them. They have the talent and the skills to prove themselves as true contenders in the international stage.

brTT in his first ever major international event

brTT, one of the most recognizable players in Brazilian Esports, has never made it to the big stage before. He has fallen at the last hurdle multiple times. However, this time, with paiN Gaming’s success in the Summer season, brTT finally has the chance to prove his worth on an international level. He will be facing tough opponents in Group A, including renowned Marksmen like Doublelift and Pray. This will be the ultimate test for brTT, and he will be looking to show the world that he can hang with the top players in his role.

Redemption for KOO

KOO Tigers had a great start in the spring season, dominating the LCK and outwitting all the Korean teams, including SKT. However, they collapsed in the semi finals of the IEM World Championship, losing to World Elite, a team that was at the bottom of the LPL. This upcoming World Championship is a chance at redemption for KOO Tigers. Anything less than a top 4 finish will be considered a failure for them.

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[Related Season Five World Championship, Esports fans, CLG, Flash Wolves, Taiwanese fans, paiN Gaming, brTT, KOO Tigers]