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Griffin pulls off stunning backdoor victory against SK Telecom T1 in epic 3-game showdown

Griffin’s Epic Comeback Against SK Telecom T1 Preserves Undefeated Streak

Griffin, the dominant force in the LCK, managed to save their unbeaten record in a thrilling match against SK Telecom T1. Led by Lee “Tarzan” Seung-yong’s impressive performance on Evelynn, Griffin emerged victorious with a 2-1 score, making it one of the best matches of the year.

In a post-game interview, Tarzan expressed his nerves during the intense moments of the match, stating, “We were so close to winning that I was really shaking at that moment.” Despite the nerves, Tarzan’s happiness was palpable after securing the victory.

Just moments before the comeback, SKT seemed to have the match in the bag. Griffin’s top laner, Choi “Sword” Sung-won, failed in their initial backdoor attempt, resulting in the entire team’s demise. However, due to respawn timers, SKT couldn’t finish the game in time, giving Griffin a chance to turn the tide.

Tarzan took it upon himself to create an opening for his team, providing a portal into SKT’s base that they could teleport to. This risky move paid off, leading to Griffin’s game-winning play.

In the earlier stages of the match, SKT had handed Griffin their second loss of 2019 using a composition centered around Aatrox, Lissandra, and Kai’Sa. Recognizing the strength of Aatrox, Griffin chose to ban him for the remainder of the series.

Griffin, on the other hand, relied on the recently-nerfed Urgot in the top lane for games one and two. Despite the nerfs, Sword had confidence in Urgot’s damage output, making him a viable choice.

Tarzan proved himself to be the star of the show, showcasing his skills with Elise in game two. From a well-executed bot lane dive to landing a perfect cocoon on Faker’s Lissandra, Tarzan’s contribution was crucial in securing the victory.

Looking ahead, Griffin will face SANDBOX Gaming in a rematch, the only team to have taken a game off of them this year. This highly-anticipated match will take place on March 10.

Griffin, LCK, SK Telecom T1, Tarzan, backdoor, comeback, undefeated streak, Urgot, Elise, SANDBOX Gaming