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Griffin maintains match winstreak with victory against SK Telecom T1

Griffin Remains Undefeated with a 2-0 Win over SK Telecom T1

Griffin continues their winning streak with a flawless record of 21 victories after defeating SK Telecom T1 2-0 today.

Today’s match showcased two teams with contrasting performance in the LCK. On one side, we had Griffin, a rookie team that entered the Nexon Arena with an unbeaten record this split. On the other side, SK Telecom T1, experienced veterans in the LCK, who were yet to secure a win this summer. This match also marked the return of SKT’s main roster after they were benched last week in their loss to MVP.

One of the highlights of the match was the comeback of mid laner Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok, who had been away from professional play for a week. Faker did not disappoint, starting off the series with a fan-favorite champion, Yasuo.

In response to Faker’s Yasuo, Griffin adopted a gold funneling strategy with Kai’Sa in the jungle and Braum in the mid lane. However, this initially seemed like a wrong choice as Faker’s Yasuo, combined with the crowd control from SKT top laner Park “Thal” Kwon-hyuk’s Darius, dominated the early and mid-game skirmishes and teamfights.

But with patient play and incredible disengages from support Son “Lehends” Si-woo, Griffin managed to survive until Kai’Sa and Dr. Mundo reached their power-spikes, ultimately outscaled SKT’s champions. Dr. Mundo became virtually unkillable at level 17, soaking up all the damage while Kai’Sa wreaked havoc on SKT’s team with her evolved abilities.

In the second game, Lehends, who already made impressive support plays in the previous match, completely dominated as Shen. His level one escape from SKT’s bot lane and jungler with only a shadow dash, along with his theft of the Infernal Drake resulting in two kills for Griffin, showcased his extraordinary performance. SKT had no room to worry about Griffin’s scaling Aatrox and Master Yi because they were too preoccupied with avoiding Lehends’ Shen engages.

With their undefeated streak intact, Griffin will face their biggest challenge in the LCK yet on June 26 against back-to-back league champions KINGZONE DragonX.

Related keywords: Griffin, SK Telecom T1, LCK, Yasuo, gold funneling strategy, Kai’Sa, Dr. Mundo, Shen, undefeated record, back-to-back league champions