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Griffin dominates SK Telecom T1 with a swift 2-0 victory in LCK.

Griffin Dominates LCK with Consistent Performance

In a season full of surprises in the LCK, Griffin has emerged as the league’s most consistent team. As the only returning LCK team with their entire 2018 roster intact, Griffin has been dominating their opponents this year. In their 10 games so far, Griffin has only come close to losing once, but they managed to secure a victory with their exceptional teamfighting skills. Even the highly regarded SK Telecom T1 dream team couldn’t stop Griffin, as they were obliterated in tonight’s match.

Strong Start for Griffin

Griffin’s top laner, Choi “Sword” Sung-won, stated in a post-game interview that their focus was on the laning phase and they played cautiously in the early game, resulting in fewer kills. However, their teamfighting abilities led them to victory in the end. Sword’s performance on Sion in game one against SKT was instrumental in Griffin’s methodical win. Instead of their usual aggressive early game style, Griffin showcased their ability to play a slower, more late game focused style.

Epic Performance in Game Two

In game two, Griffin returned to their early game focused style and defeated SKT in just 28 minutes. With lane dominant champions like Lucian and Jayce, Griffin bullied SKT throughout the game, securing solo kills and skirmish victories consistently.

Record-Breaking Performance by Chovy

Griffin’s support, Son “Lehends” Si-woo, jokingly challenged mid laner Jeong “Chovy” Ji-hoon to die a few times so that his KDA would match his own. Chovy’s KDA reached a record-breaking 104 after the win, despite coming close to death in game two.

“We’re going to stick to our Griffin style and deliver a great performance,” said Sword, looking forward to Griffin’s upcoming match against Sandbox Gaming. Griffin aims to claim the top spot in the LCK when they face Sandbox on Feb. 2.

Griffin, LCK, esports, team, victory, dominance, SKT, teamfighting, performance, record-breaking, Sandbox Gaming