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Griffin defeats Damwon Gaming, stays unbeaten in 2019 LCK Summer session.

Griffin Dominates Damwon Gaming in LCK Matchup

Griffin emerged victorious against Damwon Gaming in a 2-0 victory in the LCK today. The win propels Griffin to the top of the standings with a 2-0 record and extends their undefeated streak against Damwon to 13-0.

In both games, the teams started off evenly matched, but Griffin gradually gained control by utilizing their CS advantages. In the first game, Griffin secured an early advantage by dominating the lanes and quickly taking down turret plates. Jeong “Chovy” Ji-hoon’s Ryze proved to be a significant threat, rendering Heo “ShowMaker” Su’s Akali ineffective throughout the game. As Griffin exerted their dominance across the map, Damwon struggled to find a way back into the game.

During a critical moment, Damwon managed to secure an Ocean Drake, but Griffin retaliated by acing Damwon and seizing the Baron. With a significant gold lead, Griffin had a commanding advantage that Damwon could not overcome.

In the second game, Damwon made substitutions but faced a similar outcome. Choi “Sword” Sung-won absorbed pressure on the top side, allowing the rest of the team to gain an advantage. Lee “Tarzan” Seung-yong successfully shut down Canyon’s Sejuani, further hindering Damwon’s chances of a comeback. Despite Damwon’s attempts to alleviate pressure and split push, Griffin’s teamfighting capabilities overwhelmed their opponents. Griffin coordinated effectively, repeatedly taking down Damwon’s side laners, securing the Baron, and ultimately clinching a decisive victory.

Griffin’s slow starts in both games were atypical, but they successfully channeled their leads to strategic areas of the map. Damwon struggled to match Griffin’s macro play, leaving them with limited opportunities to turn the games in their favor.

Looking ahead, Damwon will face KT Rolster on June 14, while Griffin is set to take on rising stars Sandbox in a highly anticipated matchup on June 12.

Griffin, Damwon Gaming, LCK, victory, undefeated streak, CS advantages, domination, teamfighting, substitutions, split push, macro play, KT Rolster, Sandbox