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Gragas Pulls Off Epic Baron Steal in League of Legends with Amazing Barrel

A Fan Pulls Off an Epic Baron Steal in League of Legends

If you think you need to be alive to make a game-changing play in League of Legends, think again. A hilarious video recently surfaced on Reddit, showcasing a fan’s impressive Baron steal using Gragas’ barrel.

League player steals Baron with Gragas’ barrel

The video, shared on Reddit, captures the moment when a League of Legends player steals Baron with a perfectly timed Gragas barrel. You can check out the video here.

Operating solo, the player went on a dangerous mission to secure Baron for their team. Ignoring the lack of backup, they made a beeline for the pit, determined to claim the objective.

Using Gragas’ Body Slam (E) ability, the player closed the gap and launched the Explosive Cask (R) towards Baron. Although Gragas was taken out shortly after, they left behind a small surprise.

Despite the looming threat of the Gragas barrel, the enemy Ashe and Ziggs carried on with their attempt to secure Baron. With only 71 health left on Nashor, the barrel exploded, giving the player’s team an instant advantage and bringing the gold difference to within 2,000.

Opposing team could have avoided the steal

The opposing team had the opportunity to prevent the Baron steal by waiting for Gragas’ Q ability to explode before proceeding. However, they failed to foresee this and continued, leading to the impressive play by the fan.

Although the steal could have been avoided, it serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, remarkable plays can still occur in the world of League of Legends.

esports, League of Legends, Baron steal, Gragas barrel, video