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Golden Guardians kickstarts roster rebuilding for 2021 with a “developmental” LCS lineup.

Golden Guardians Announces Fresh Roster for 2021 LCS Season

The Golden Guardians organization has decided to take a new approach for its League of Legends team next year by introducing a completely new lineup, as per their recent announcement.

The team’s roster will include some new faces in the LCS, such as 21-year-old top laner Niles and 22-year-old jungler Iconic, both former members of Maryville University. Niles and Iconic have previously achieved success in various esports tournaments, including the HUE 2020 Invitational, the UCLA Esports Summer Invitational, and the RCL season nine championship.

Introducing the GG Spring 2021 LCS Roster:

Top: NilesLOL

Jungle: iconic_lol

Mid: Ablazeolive

Bot: Stixxay

Support: newbiel0l

One of the notable additions to the team is former Golden Guardians Academy mid laner Ablazeolive, who will now be a part of the organization’s LCS team for the 2021 season. Ablazeolive, who has been involved in the North American League scene for quite some time, previously spent two years with TSM’s Academy team before joining GG.A in 2020.

Joining the team in the bot lane is veteran player Stixxay, who formerly played as AD carry for CLG. With five years of experience under his belt, Stixxay had some remarkable achievements, including winning the Spring Split championship in 2016 and reaching the finals of the 2016 MSI.

The bot lane duo will be completed by Newbie, a former LLA player from LATAM. With experience on top LATAM teams like Isurus Gaming and All Knights, Newbie has also amassed multiple championships throughout his career.

This mix of players will undoubtedly be intriguing to watch as the Golden Guardians’ management aims to nurture their talent and mold them into LCS-caliber players. With the organization’s commitment to developing young talent, manager Danan Flanders hopes to set a new standard for what a true developmental team looks like in the LCS.

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Golden Guardians, League of Legends, LCS, roster, new lineup, esports tournament, competitive gaming, esports news, young talent, developmental team