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Golden Guardians coach expresses confidence in team

New Head Coach Inero Sets High Expectations for Golden Guardians in 2019

Last summer, Golden Guardians went through a rough period as they struggled in the LCS. However, their head coach, Nick “Inero” Smith, decided to stick with the team and is now looking to make some big changes for the upcoming season.

We had the opportunity to talk with Inero about the team’s rebuilding process and their goals for the new season. Inero is determined to lead the Golden Guardians to the playoffs and believes they have the talent to achieve that.

The Bright Spot: Rookie Bot Laner Deftly

Despite the team’s struggles, rookie bot laner Matthew “Deftly” Chen showed great potential. Inero was impressed by Deftly’s flexibility and believes that he can become a top player in the region. With Deftly as one of the team’s key carries, Inero is confident that they can achieve success.

A New Partnership in the Jungle

Another player that Inero believes can thrive with the right support is jungler Juan “Contractz” Garcia. Inero thinks that Contractz just needs the right teammates to succeed in the jungle. The team made some changes in the mid lane by signing veteran Henrik “Froggen” Hansen, who brings experience and shotcalling skills to the team.

Filling the Gaps with Championship Winners

To address their needs in the top lane and support role, Golden Guardians signed Kevin “Hauntzer” Yarnell and Kim “Olleh” Joo-sung, both of whom have won multiple championships. Inero believes that Hauntzer and Olleh will bring credibility and help the team achieve their goals.

Inero’s strategy is to prioritize the solo lanes, with mid being the priority and transferring power to the top lane. He believes that this strategy, coupled with strong wave control, can give Golden Guardians an advantage over their opponents. The goal is to master the one-three-one splitpush style and create opportunities to control the map.

With a roster of talented players and a clear vision for success, Golden Guardians has high expectations for the 2019 season. Inero is focused on making the playoffs and has faith in his team to achieve great things.

Golden Guardians, LCS, esports, Nick “Inero” Smith, Matthew “Deftly” Chen, Juan “Contractz” Garcia, Henrik “Froggen” Hansen, Kim “Olleh” Joo-sung, Kevin “Hauntzer” Yarnell, one-three-one splitpush, playoffs