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Golden Guardians’ 0-2 start doesn’t bother Goldenglue: “I prefer losing early to enhance and prepare for playoffs”

Golden Guardians Off to a Slow Start in 2020 League of Legends Season

Golden Guardians began their 2020 League of Legends season with numerous changes to their lineup, including a new mid laner, jungle, support, and even a new logo and jerseys. Despite these changes, the team finds themselves tied for eighth place with a 0-2 record after the first week. However, their newest mid laner, Greyson Gregory “Goldenglue” Gilmer, sees this as an opportunity for improvement rather than a setback.

According to Goldenglue, one of the main issues the team faced in the first week was a lack of identity. He believes that the team needs to focus on finding their identity and narrowing down their strategies rather than experimenting with different approaches. He describes their current identity as an “aggressive early game” team that needs to work on transitioning their early leads into the mid and late game.

In their match against Cloud9, Golden Guardians had a strong start with early priority in the bot lane and securing first blood in the top lane. However, as the game progressed, they struggled to maintain their lead and make decisive plays, while Cloud9 capitalized on opportunities and outplayed them. Similarly, in their match against 100 Thieves, Golden Guardians had a good start with early dragons, but failed to convert them into a significant advantage. 100 Thieves managed to stall the game and eventually took control, stealing major objectives and winning the game.

Despite the disappointing start, Goldenglue remains positive and determined to improve. He acknowledges that a 0-2 start is not ideal, but believes it will make the team more disciplined and motivated to work harder. Golden Guardians have the rest of the season to find their footing and improve their performance.

Upcoming Match

The Golden Guardians will face Evil Geniuses in their next match at 7pm CT. Stay tuned to see if they can turn their season around and secure a victory.

Golden Guardians, League of Legends, esports, 2020 season, Goldenglue, Cloud9, 100 Thieves, Evil Geniuses