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Gilius Reveals Reasons for Not Playing in Vitality

At the end of July, Team Vitality signed Mateusz “Kikis” Szkudlarek as a substitute jungler for its professional League of Legends team.

Kikis soon replaced Vitality’s jungler Erberk “Gilius” Demir in the starting roster on July 27. Kikis remained unbeaten for his opening four games until Vitality lost against Schalke on Aug. 10.

Gilius has chosen to remain quiet about the situation until now. He recently explained on Twitter why he was benched and why Kikis was brought onto the team.

“I had some issues within the team,” Gilius said. “We decided to bring in Kikis to help us increase our value of practice.”

According to Gilius, scrim results were better when Kikis played, and he realized that Kikis fit better into the team. Gilius had no issue with being replaced in the starting lineup.

After the disagreements, Gilius was given permission to seek offers from other teams. However, Vitality and the mystery organization couldn’t come to an agreement for his transfer.

Now, Gilius plans to start streaming full-time and has given no indication on whether he will join another pro squad in the future.

Regardless of what the future holds, Gilius and Vitality’s time together has come to an end.

Team Vitality, Kikis, Gilius, League of Legends, benched, starting lineup, scrim results, streaming, pro squad.