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Giants Gaming defeat a determined ROCCAT in the EU LCS

Giants Gaming Tops Standings with Close Win over ROCCAT

Giants Gaming emerged victorious against ROCCAT in a closely contested game in the EU LCS today, propelling themselves to the top of the standings.

Both ROCCAT and Giants had impressive performances in the first two weeks, resulting in a 3-1 scoreline going into this matchup. The teams were tied for first place in the EU LCS alongside Vitality and Misfits.

ROCCAT initially took control of the early game, securing CS leads across all lanes. However, Giants turned the tables at the five-minute mark by catching ROCCAT off-guard and securing first blood.

The pace of the game slowed down during the mid game. While ROCCAT found kills and objectives, Giants responded by taking towers and objectives on the opposite side of the map.

Despite having a slight lead at the 25-minute mark, ROCCAT’s overconfidence led them to attempt a Baron play. However, Giants quickly punished them, stealing the buff and regaining control of the match.

With the Baron buff, Giants broke into ROCCAT’s base, but were unable to end the game due to short death timers.

Several minutes later, Giants caught out ROCCAT in their jungle, securing a few kills. With the man advantage, they headed towards the Nexus and secured a convincing victory.

Upcoming Matches

Giants will face off against Schalke in their next game tomorrow. Meanwhile, ROCCAT will try to secure a victory against a struggling Fnatic team in the third match of the day.

Giants Gaming, ROCCAT, EU LCS, standings, victory, impressive, first blood, mid game, Baron play, control, Nexus, upcoming matches.