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Gender differences in toxicity experiences revealed by League fan survey results

The Prevalence of Toxicity in League of Legends, According to a Recent Fan Survey

A recent fan survey conducted on Reddit revealed some important insights into toxicity within the League of Legends community. The survey, which had participation from 3,784 players, highlighted the different experiences of male and female players when it comes to toxic behavior.

According to the survey, 87 percent of the participants were male, while 12 percent were female. Surprisingly, every single participant reported experiencing some degree of toxicity directed towards them.

Gender Differences in Toxicity

The survey indicated that male players are more likely to face toxicity during matches, whereas female players tend to experience harassment after the game has ended. The creator of the survey pointed out that gender plays a significant role in the types of toxicity players encounter.

In the survey, the Reddit user stated, “Male players are slightly more the target of general abuse, while female players got the brunt of sexual harassment instead.”

Instances of Sexual Harassment

The survey revealed that 32 percent of female players reported instances of sexual harassment, compared to only three percent of male players. Furthermore, five percent of female players claimed to have been stalked outside the game by toxic players.

Toxicity Amongst Players

The survey also addressed the question of who is more likely to be toxic: male or female players. According to the Reddit user, 61 percent of male players admitted to being toxic towards others, while 55 percent of female players stated they’ve never engaged in toxic behavior.

Toxicity and the Online Gaming Community

Toxicity is unfortunately prevalent in the online gaming community, and League of Legends often serves as an example of this behavior. While these statistics may not be pleasant to confront, it is crucial to acknowledge and work towards improving the overall community.

In conclusion, the creator of the survey had a final message for toxic players:

“I hope you reevaluate your behavior and strive to become a better person. Stay awesome and have a good day.”

League of Legends, toxicity, fan survey, male players, female players, sexual harassment, online gaming community