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Game 1 Post-Match Analysis: LGD vs OG


– Varus ban by OG was questionable because poke is weak in the current meta
– LGD first picked Lulu, a strong flex pick for mid/top
– OG responded with Kalista and Elise picks after trading Lulu for Rek’Sai ban
– LGD picked Kog’Maw and Braum, possibly aiming for a “juggermaw” comp
– OG picked Orianna and Annie, forming an aggressive team-fighting comp
– LGD surprised with Vi and Malphite picks, not opting for the traditional “juggermaw”
– OG picked Vladimir as a lane counter to Malphite

Game Analysis:

– LGD had a standard “juggermaw” comp but changed it to have more engage
– OG’s comp seemed scattered and lacked a delivery tool for Orianna’s ball
– OG’s squishy lineup was at risk against LGD’s heavy engage with no disengage or peel
– LGD wanted to dive OG while OG aimed to pick off LGD
– LGD’s comp lacked damage and wave clear with no split push threat
– OG’s comp had a mix of pick potential and team-fighting elements
– OG had no front-line tanks and lacked a back-line threat to dive Kog’Maw
– OG had good objective control with Elise and Kalista synergy
– OG’s win condition was to utilize Elise’s strong early game and vision control for picks

Item/Build Paths:

– Acorn’s Malphite could have stacked more MR instead of armor
– TBQ’s Vi may have benefited from Warrior enchantment for more damage
– GODV’s Lulu should have taken teleport for better utility
– Imp’s Kog’Maw built QSS as a third item and could have prioritized IE before LW
– Pyl’s Braum could have opted for Banner of Command for split pushing
– Amazing’s Elise went for a damage-oriented build with no real tank on the team
– xPeke’s Orianna built Haunting Guise late in the game when enemy team had 2 Lockets
– Niels’ Kalista played well without needing Banshee’s Veil for engages
– Mithy’s Annie prioritized Boots of Mobility for early roaming

Execution in Game:

– LGD failed to punish Soaz’s split pushing
– OG utilized xPeke’s teleport advantage to win mid lane
– LGD lacked pressure on the map and key ultimates from Vi and Malphite
– LGD’s poor target selection and inability to protect Imp cost them team fights
– OG played to their strengths with Soaz’s split pushing and focusing Imp
– LGD’s repeated mistakes, particularly from TBQ, cost them the game


– Soaz had lower farm despite spending a lot of time split pushing
– xPeke had the most farm for OG due to his teleport advantage
– LGD’s damage was lacking due to TBQ’s lack of involvement
– xPeke stood out in fights because LGD ignored him

esports, LGD, OG, pick/ban phase, team composition, item builds, gameplay analysis, statistics