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Game 1 Post-match Analysis: KT vs TSM

Game 1 Post-match Analysis: KT vs TSM

Game 1 Post-match Analysis: KT vs TSM


  • Overall:
    • TSM’s ban on Gnar was smart since it was Dyrus’ best champion.
    • Questionable ban on TF against Bjergsen since he only used it once in the Summer split.
    • Mordekaiser ban on Blue Side was unnecessary.
    • TSM’s last ban was well played.
  • KT 1st pick – Darius:
    • TSM 1st picks – Braum/Elise:
  • KT 2nd picks – Rek’Sai/Azir:
    • TSM 2nd picks – LeBlanc/Olaf:
  • KT 3rd picks – Kog’Maw/Alistar:
    • TSM 3rd pick – Vayne:

KT seemed to get all of their comfort picks and formed a solid team-fighting composition. Meanwhile, TSM’s composition lacked synergy and their picks didn’t fit well together. TSM relied on winning lanes instead of creating a cohesive strategy. The Vayne pick was especially problematic as they needed a safer ADC with better disengage options. TSM failed to counter Darius effectively and lacked kiting or zone control. Overall, KT had the advantage with their comfort picks.

KT comp:

  • Team fighting comp
  • Big front line
  • Rather low wave clear
  • Strong siege potential with Kog’Maw’s range
  • Good split pushing threats with Darius + Rek’Sai globals
  • Only reliable engage is Alistar; maybe Rek’Sai or Azir “insec”
  • Azir ult disengage helps protect Kog’Maw
  • Win Condition: survive early game, group mid game for objectives, want vision control to prevent picks, be first to objectives to set up Azir soldiers

TSM comp:

  • Not a cohesive comp
  • Mostly a pick comp but Vayne and Olaf typically want to be in team-fighting comps
  • Going to have a hard time dealing with KT’s front-line, no one to help Olaf dive the back line
  • Low wave clear
  • No reliable engage; rely on Elise cocoon to get a pick
  • Strong split pushing: Olaf, LeBlanc, and Vayne all make solid split pushers who are hard to handle 1v1
  • Win Condition: use Elise’s strong early game to snowball Olaf, LeBlanc needs to shut down Azir mid, need vision control to pull off picks; TSM needs to split push to win

Items/Build paths:

  • Ssumday built Sterak’s Gage before DMP
  • Score built DMP late game over Randuin’s Omen
  • Piccaboo built Banshee’s Veil as his 3rd item
  • Dyrus built Giant’s belt before Phage into Black Cleaver
  • WildTurtle built PD over Statikk Shiv

Execution in Game:

  • TSM and KT both invade top side at level 1
  • TSM gets the first tower and Dyrus soaks up farm
  • TSM gains advantages in xp and farm across the map
  • TSM starts to struggle after the 17 minute mark
  • TSM’s vision control suffers and they get caught out repeatedly
  • TSM makes several mistakes and gives away objectives to KT
  • The game ends with KT winning

TSM made multiple careless errors throughout the game which allowed KT to take advantage. They struggled with their composition and lacked vision control. TSM’s members were often out of position and got caught out by KT. Overall, KT executed their game plan well and capitalized on TSM’s mistakes.


Game 1 Post-match Analysis: KT vs TSM

Game 1 Post-match Analysis: KT vs TSM

TSM’s vision control dropped off in the mid game and they failed to gain control over objectives. Bjergsen dealt the most damage for TSM, but it wasn’t enough to carry the team. KT’s Kog’Maw did the majority of damage and posed a significant threat to TSM.

TSM’s vision control weakened in the mid game and they struggled to gain control over objectives.

This game was filled with mistakes from TSM, particularly Lustboy, Dyrus, and WildTurtle. Their poor drafting and positioning led to their downfall. TSM failed to capitalize on their early game lead and made repeated errors that gave KT an advantage. Lustboy’s poor use of Braum ult and lack of vision control were major factors in TSM’s loss. Overall, TSM lacked focus and made careless plays that KT took advantage of.

Statistics sourced from match history and