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Gambit Gaming lets go of key players to secure LCS spot

Gambit Gaming to Make Roster Changes in a Bid to Stay in League Championship Series

Gambit Gaming is making some big changes to their roster in an effort to avoid being dropped from the League Championship Series. The team will be replacing Evgeny “Darien” Mazaev and Danil “Diamondprox” Reshetnikov with Jakub “Kubon” Turewicz and Jean-Victor “loulex” Burgevin, respectively, according to sources close to the team.

Struggling Since Replacing Iconic Mid-laner

Ever since replacing their iconic mid-laner, Alex “Alex Ich” Ichetovkin, back in May, Gambit Gaming has been performing poorly. With a record of five wins and 13 losses, they are currently near the bottom of the European LCS. Instead of focusing on the world finals, the team’s main goal is now to survive in the league itself.

Recent Loss Raises Concerns

After losing to ROCCAT, another team facing relegation, it became clear that something was wrong with Gambit Gaming. Reshetnikov’s shocked reaction during the match indicated that all was not well within the team.

New Players to Fill Stalwarts’ Shoes

Turewicz, a Polish player, will be taking over Mazaev’s role in the top lane. Burgevin, a French player, will replace Reshetnikov as the team’s jungler. Burgevin has filled in for Gambit before and now has the opportunity to make the role his own.

It is unclear what the future holds for Mazaev and Reshetnikov. They may remain with the team as substitutes, take on different roles within the organization, or look for opportunities with other teams. Gambit Gaming is expected to make an official statement regarding the roster changes before this week’s European LCS games.

Photo via Gambit Gaming/Facebook

Gambit Gaming, League Championship Series, roster changes, struggling, survival, new players