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G2 stages remarkable comeback to defeat Vitality from a significant setback

Vitality Falls Short Against G2 in LEC Power Rankings

Vitality has been holding strong in second place in the LEC power rankings, eagerly awaiting their chance to face off against first-place G2. Both teams have been dominating against weaker opponents, patiently waiting for their highly anticipated matchup in week eight.

When the time finally came, Vitality unleashed an onslaught that caught G2 off guard. The French team secured kill after kill while G2 struggled to counter their aggressive plays.

Vitality achieved their lead by exploiting a mismatch in the top lane between Lucas “Cabochard” Simon-Meslet from Vitality and Martin “Wunder” Hansen from G2. By sending their jungler and mid laner to support Cabochard, Vitality successfully shut down Wunder and controlled the map. Both top lane turrets were destroyed before Baron even spawned.

However, Vitality underestimated G2’s mid lane presence. They allowed Rasmus “Caps” Winther to scale up on his Ryze, a late game mage with high DPS. Despite Vitality’s significant lead, Caps remained a threat to turn the tide of the game single-handedly.

And that’s exactly what he did. Vitality’s poor objective calls made it easier for G2 to crawl back into the game, with Caps dealing massive damage. Although there were tense moments for both teams, G2 ultimately couldn’t be stopped by Vitality.

With this victory, G2 secured first place in the 2019 LEC Spring Split. Despite some flaws, such as the absence of jungler Marcin “Jankos” Jankowski for most of the game, G2 proved their resilience after a few hiccups in the past two weeks.

Vitality’s Next Moves

On the other hand, Vitality needs to regroup and come up with a new strategy. G2 remains the team that everyone is striving to catch up to in Europe.

Vitality, G2, LEC, power rankings, dominant, matchup, aggressive, top lane, mid lane, objective calls, victory, flaws, strategy.