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G2 secures tie for second place in 2022 LEC Spring Split by defeating MAD

G2 Esports Defeats MAD Lions in Decisive Victory

In a highly-anticipated clash between two former champions, G2 Esports emerged victorious against MAD Lions with a dominant 26-minute win. This win brings G2 to a tie for second place with Fnatic in the ongoing 2022 LEC Spring Split, boasting a 7-3 record.

MAD Lions initially gained an advantage in the early stages of the League of Legends match, securing quick kills in both the bottom and top lanes. They also surpassed G2 in turret kills by the 18-minute mark. With the third-best average team gold difference at 15 minutes this split, according to Oracle’s Elixir, MAD Lions seemed poised for victory.

However, one critical mistake cost MAD Lions their momentum and allowed G2 Esports to make a comeback.

At the 22-minute mark, MAD Lions attempted an early Baron. G2, fully prepared, collapsed onto the pit. Thanks to a well-timed Flash-ult from Targamas’ Sett, MAD was stalled long enough for G2 to deal substantial damage, winning the ensuing teamfight and securing the Baron for themselves.

This Baron power play resulted in a significant 5,734 gold swing in favor of G2. MAD Lions’ base crumbled as G2 capitalized on their advantage, ultimately claiming victory. The standout player of the match was G2’s new support, Targamas, who executed multiple impactful Sett combos, setting the stage for his team’s devastating Orianna-Yone combination.

While MAD Lions possess considerable potential, they still face challenges in terms of synergy and decision-making. In some instances, they engaged in fights while trailing instead of adopting a defensive strategy. Meanwhile, G2 appears to be strong contenders as Europe’s top teams battle for playoff positions.

You can catch the LEC’s second day of games tomorrow at 10am CT.

G2 Esports, MAD Lions, LEC, League of Legends, Spring Split, victory, Baron, Targamas, Sett, synergy, playoff positions