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Froskurinn Presents: The Top 20 Players of All-Time [Part 1]

Introduction to the Rubric

Creating a list of the top 20 players of all time is a daunting task. Initially, I made a mistake by not providing any reasoning or logic behind the order. However, the most important thing is not who is on the list but why. We can argue and debate these lists endlessly, but the discussion can only begin when we have a starting point.

I must admit that there are flaws in this list. As an LPL expert, I am more knowledgeable about the Chinese League of Legends scene. To counteract this bias, I sought input from trusted sources regarding other regions. Instead of asking for rankings, I asked for series recommendations and watched them to gain more insight.

I also want to acknowledge the limitations of my scope. I have a poor memory and only started analyzing League of Legends analytically in Season 3. This means that my list may be at a disadvantage compared to those who have been following the competitive scene from the beginning. It is important to consider the variables and measurements used and the time frame in which they were assessed.

For the purposes of this list, I have decided to exclude Season 1. The primary reason for this is the difficulty in obtaining VODs from that time period. Additionally, Europe and Korea were not competing at that time, so it wouldn’t be fair to give Fnatic the same credit as other teams who faced tougher competition.

Now, let’s discuss the criteria I used to determine the players’ rankings:


Performance is subjective and can be difficult to measure. It is often referred to as “the eye test.” While statistics and win percentages can provide some insight, they don’t tell the whole story. Sometimes, players face difficulties or challenges that affect their overall performance. I took this into account when evaluating their skills.

When considering performance, I believe recent success should carry more weight. The skill ceiling of League of Legends has increased over time, so players who excel in the current era should be given more credit. However, that doesn’t mean we should ignore the dominance of players from previous seasons.


A player’s accomplishments and wins are important factors to consider. However, it can be difficult to compare achievements when the level of competition varies. Winning a domestic title may not be as impressive if the competition is weak. I also took into account the level of competition a player faced when evaluating their achievements.

Duration of Dominance

How long a player was able to maintain their dominance is another important factor. A single good tournament run is not enough to make someone the best of all time. Consistency and the ability to perform at a high level over a sustained period are key. I also considered which teams a player faced during their dominant years.


The importance of a player in their moment can’t be overlooked. Some players bring unique talents or playstyles that change the game and raise the bar for others. I took this into account when evaluating a player’s impact and their ability to innovate or bring something new to the table.

1. Faker

Faker is the obvious choice for the top spot. He was a key player in SKT’s dominant run during Season 3 and OGN Winter, where they went undefeated. His mechanical mastery and versatile champion pool set him apart from other mid laners. Faker redefined the expectations and standard for mid lane play and continues to be a force to be reckoned with in Korea.

While Faker’s resource-heavy playstyle has its drawbacks, such as predictable pathing for his jungler Bengi, his consistent performance and multiple achievements set him apart from other players. Despite the impressive accomplishments of players like Uzi, Faker’s trophy case speaks for itself.

2. DanDy

3. Mata

Mata and DanDy should be discussed together as they played as a duo. Mata’s innovative vision control and support play helped set the standard for other supports. However, DanDy’s consistency and performance over the long run put him ahead of Mata. Their partnership was formidable and they achieved success together on Samsung. They have also proven their ability to perform well with limited resources in recent years.

4. Dade

Dade’s impact on his teams cannot be overlooked. He played a key role in Samsung Blue’s dominance during a time when Korean League of Legends was at its peak. While he may not have won a World Championship, his achievements in the highly competitive Korean scene make him one of the most devastating players in the mid lane.

5. WeiXiao

Weixiao, the ADC for World Elite, was a pioneer in the attack damage carry role. He modernized the position with his kite and cooldown management and led his team to unparalleled success. While Dade may have more accolades, Weixiao’s impact on the game cannot be ignored.

6. Imp

Imp’s triple crown achievement of winning OGN, LPL, and a World Championship title speaks for itself. He has consistently performed at a high level and has proven himself to be a top ADC. With his recent performances in the LPL, he is making a strong case for a higher spot on the list.

7. Alex Ich

Alex Ich’s role as the primary shotcaller for Moscow 5 and his impact on the game cannot be overlooked. He played a key role in defining the aggressive playstyle that dominated the European scene. While his individual performance may not have been as consistent as some other players, his influence on the game is undeniable.

8. Madlife

Madlife is credited with pushing the boundaries of what supports can do. His creative playmaking and ability to carry games from the support position set him apart from others. While he may not have reached the same level of success as some other players on this list, his impact on the game cannot be ignored.

9. Froggen

Froggen, like Alex Ich, revolutionized the mid lane with his emphasis on farming and efficient gold accumulation. While his career may have had its ups and downs, his individual performance and legacy with CLG.EU are noteworthy.

10. Diamondprox

Diamondprox gets credit for his role in defining the jungle position and his impact on Moscow 5’s success. While his recent performances may not be as strong, his overall legacy and influence on the game deserve recognition.

esports, top players, League of Legends, rankings, Faker, DanDy, Mata, Dade, Weixiao, Imp, Alex Ich, Madlife, Froggen, Diamondprox.