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Froggen’s Alleged Decline Rumors Have Been Highly Overstated

Froggen: The Underrated Midlaner

Froggen is a well-known name in the League of Legends competitive scene. He has been praised for his skills and achievements throughout his career. However, this season has seen some doubters emerge, claiming that Froggen is no longer one of the best midlaners in Europe. But are these claims really justified?

Dispelling the Passive Myth

Froggen has often been labeled as a passive player, criticized for not making aggressive plays or roaming. However, this is a misconception. As explained by Incarnati0n in a recent interview, Froggen may play a controlled lane, but he constantly pressures the enemy midlaner and creates a gold lead through CS. He sets the tempo of the lane and forces his counterpart to play his game.

Froggen’s Impressive Stats

In this summer split, Froggen has the largest gold lead at 10 minutes compared to other midlaners in the European LCS. Even when his team is behind in total gold, Froggen manages to create a gold advantage for himself. He also has a significant CS advantage and has been involved in enemy kills early in the game.

Froggen Converts his Gold to Damage

Contrary to the belief that Froggen is a passive player, he has the second-highest average kill participation among midlaners in the league. He also deals a significant amount of damage per minute, comparable to the top midlaners in the league. He places the most wards out of any other midlaner, further contributing to his team’s success.

Froggen’s Champion Pool

Froggen’s flexibility is evident in his champion pool. He can play a variety of champions, from poke to control mages to assassins. This versatility makes him a valuable asset to his team.

The Team Dynamic

Although Froggen’s individual performance is impressive, Elements as a team has been struggling. The other members of the team have not been performing at the same level, which puts a lot of pressure on Froggen to carry. For the team to succeed, the other members need to step up and become consistent carries.

In conclusion, Froggen is still one of the best midlaners in the West. Despite Elements’ struggles, Froggen continues to excel individually and contribute to his team’s success. He deserves more recognition for his skills and achievements.

If you have any comments or questions about this article, feel free to tweet me at @Empyre19.

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Froggen, League of Legends, midlaner, competitive scene, skills, achievements, Europe, passive player, gold lead, damage, champion pool, team dynamic