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FPX’s Doinb achieves outstanding pentakill as Viktor in 2021 LPL Spring Split playoffs

Chinese League of Legends Teams Continue to Excel in Teamfights

Chinese League of Legends (LoL) teams have a reputation for their prowess in teamfights, consistently showing their ability to thrive or falter based on these critical game moments.

FPX Takes Down JDG in LPL Spring Split Playoffs

In the 2021 LPL Spring Split playoffs, FPX made their mark by defeating JDG with a 3-1 scoreline. Led by their in-game leader Doinb, FPX showcased their dominance and Doinb even secured his second pentakill in the LPL.

Impressive Performance with Viktor

In the fourth game of the playoff series against JDG, FPX played Viktor, Doinb’s comfort champion, to secure their victory. Doinb boasts a remarkable 65-percent win rate with Viktor throughout his career, making this choice even more commendable.

The Pentakill Play and Victory

During the game, FPX started the pentakill play by taking the Baron objective and then capitalizing on their jungler Tian’s flank to catch the enemy team off guard. With Hecarim’s four-man fear allowing Gnar to deliver powerful crowd control, Doinb took advantage of the distraction and skillfully poked down the enemy team with Viktor’s abilities. This successful play ultimately led to the pentakill and FPX’s advancement in the playoffs.

Doinb’s performance helped FPX secure a spot in the next round of the 2021 LPL Spring Split playoffs. They will go up against the formidable Royal Never Give Up in the semifinals on Wednesday, April 7.

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Chinese League of Legends, teamfights, FPX, JDG, LPL Spring Split playoffs, Doinb, pentakill, Viktor, esports news, Royal Never Give Up.